Health Matters: Passive smoking – the invisible killer

August 19, 2014 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Boundary Brook House
Old Road
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
01865 738 536

Smoking Cessation August copySue Bolton and Fiona Ruck, smoking cessation specialists, look at the effects of passive smoking and their campaign for smoke-free homes and cars across Oxfordshire.

The talk will include myth-busting statistics and facts covering the effects of passive smoking on both adults and children, as well as a detailed look into what is in the cigarette smoke that is causing the adverse effects. Sue and Fiona will also look at local and national responses to this public health issue, including the Smoke Free Homes and Cars Pledge project.

Our speakers have worked as registered nurses and health visitors and worked for years in smoking cessation, including as a smoking and pregnancy specialist and as a smoking and young person’s specialist for Oxford Smoking Advice Service.