Attracting Investment Back in to the UK Oil and Gas Industry

January 23, 2017 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
1 Birdcage Walk
London SW1A
Institution of Mechanical Engineers

2016 has been a year of immense challenge and change for the UK offshore oil and gas industry. Many believe that 2017 will be just as tough, if not more so for some sectors of the supply chain. As businesses continue to steer through one of the deepest global downturns the industry has seen for many years, those in the UK have also to adjust to a new political and regulatory paradigm: the new Oil and Gas Authority; government change in Holyrood and Westminster; the creation of BEIS combining the business, energy and industrial strategy portfolio; and Brexit – all present risk and opportunity.

Deirdre Michie will talk about how the UK offshore oil and gas industry is responding to these multi-layered challenges and how Oil & Gas UK, as the sector’s leading trade association, is driving pan-industry action to boost competitiveness, improve efficiency and attract investment back into the basin.

This lecture is free and open to all, please book your place today and we look forward to welcoming you in February.