My neighbour, my nation and the presidential election

October 31, 2016 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
St Martin-in-the-Fields
Trafalgar Square
London WC2N

With the UK voting to leave the European Union and with increasing division, xenophobia, and confusion over future national and international relationships, the St Martin-in-the-Fields Autumn Lecture Series examines the crucial question: Who is my Neighbour?

What does the Christian commandment to love one’s neighbour as oneself actually mean for us today. Lectures by renowned theologians and practitioners will reflect on this subject in relation to issues of ecology, immigration, fear and discrimination, the present political climate both in UK, Europe and the USA. We also contemplate how that the lives of our poorest neighbours may in fact be God’s gift to us as a church and as a nation.

Entry is free and open to all.


Stanley Hauerwas is the Gilbert T. Rowe Emeritus Professor of Divinity and Law at Duke University, North Carolina. His work has been to show that theological convictions make no sense unless they are actually embodied in our lives. This involves emphasis on the virtues, on narrative, and on the church. His work draws on a great range of literatures – from classical, philosophical, and theological texts to contemporary political theory. He also works in medical ethics, issues of war and peace, and intellectual disability. He has written over forty books including The Peaceable Kingdom (1983), and Hannah’s Child: A Theological Memoir (2010).