Screening: Sea of Pictures + Q&A

July 31, 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The Frontline Club
13 Norfolk Pl
London W2 1QJ
The Frontline Club

To mark World Day against Trafficking in Persons, we will be hosting a screening night in collaboration with the Ethical Journalism Network to present –Sea of Pictures.

Over the last three years improving the quality of migration reporting has been a priority for the Ethical Journalism Network, conducting two major studies on migration coverage, creating practical tools for journalists.

Sea of Pictures is a documentary that supports this work. The film focuses on the image of Syrian toddler Alan Kurdi, who was found drowned on a beach in Turkey while trying to reach Europe with his family. This image went viral and became a symbol of the refugee crisis and the widespread international apathy up until that point. His image was seen on newspapers across the globe. But how as a media outlet do you choose which pictures to show to the public? What are the ethics surrounding taking pictures such as these? Can you really control how these pictures are interpreted and repurposed?

The screening will be followed by a debate around these questions. The panelists will discuss how pictures can impact and reshape public discourse and policy, but often in ways that were entirely unintended.

The EJN has released a special edition of Ethics in the News  in which the makers of Sea of Pictures,  Misja Pekel and Maud van de Reijt write a Report on the Ethics of Photographing Refugees.

Last year the EJN was commissioned by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) to write a report on how media on both sides of the Mediterranean cover migration. The report, which was published to mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, covers 17 countries and provides recommendation for media and policy makers.


Dorothy Byrne is Head of News and Current Affairs at Channel Four in the United Kingdom. She was appointed in September 2003, having previously edited the award-winning Dispatches. During her tenure, the Channel’s news and current affairs programmes have won numerous BAFTA, RTS, Emmy Awards and others. In 2014, Dispatches won the RTS Journalism Awards for both best Home and best International Current Affairs, the first time one strand won both awards, and Channel Four News won the RTS Journalism Award for Best News Programme of the Year for the second year running.


Dr. Zahera Harb is a distinguished journalist who has worked for more than 11 years as a journalist in Lebanon working for Lebanese and international news organisations. She is currently senior lecturer in International Journalism at City University London. Zahera has conducted journalism training across the Arab world and is the review editor of Journal of Media Practice.


Anastasia Taylor-Lindr is an English/Swedish photojournalist who has been working on issues relating to women, population and war for over a decade. Anastasia is currently a Logan Fellow at The Carey Institute for Global Good where she is working on a book about the visual representation of contemporary warfare and the photojournalists who cover it. She is also a TED fellow. Anastasia has written about her experiences as a photojournalist for The New York Times, TIME LightBox, Nieman Reports and National Geographic.

Misja Pekel is a film maker and producer of the film Sea of Pictures. Misja studied Law and Journalism in Amsterdam and Leeds. He is a documentary filmmaker at the Dutch public broadcasterHuman. Besides documentaries, he is working on Medialogica, a tv series about public opinion and the influence of media