Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.

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12:30 pm Book at Lunchtime: Why We Need the Humanities @ St Luke's Chapel, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Book at Lunchtime: Why We Need the Humanities @ St Luke's Chapel, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Jun 1 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Book at Lunchtime: Why We Need the Humanities @ St Luke's Chapel, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter | Oxford | United Kingdom
How has humanities scholarship influenced biomedical research and civil liberties and how can scholars serve the common good? Entrepreneur and scholar Donald Drakeman will discuss his new book exploring the value and impact of the[...]
1:00 pm ‘Innovation for Development’ Research Seminar by Oxford TMCD @ Seminar Room 2, Queen Elizabeth House
‘Innovation for Development’ Research Seminar by Oxford TMCD @ Seminar Room 2, Queen Elizabeth House
Jun 1 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
'Innovation for Development' Research Seminar by Oxford TMCD @ Seminar Room 2, Queen Elizabeth House | Oxford | United Kingdom
The Technology and Management Centre for Development at the Department of International Development will be hosting two research seminars in the coming weeks – The afternoons of May 19 and June 1st. We invite researchers[...]
1:00 pm White Matter Tractography and Human Brain Connections Using GPUs (Moises Hernandez-Fernandez from the Oxford Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain) @ Oxford e-Research Centre, Conference Room 278
White Matter Tractography and Human Brain Connections Using GPUs (Moises Hernandez-Fernandez from the Oxford Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain) @ Oxford e-Research Centre, Conference Room 278
Jun 1 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Moisés Hernández-Fernandez from the Oxford Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain, University of Oxford, UK will present a seminar on the 1st of June 2016, (at 1pm) entitled “White Matter Tractography and Human Brain[...]
2:00 pm ‘News in the digital age, and how The Economist fits in’ – Tom Standage, deputy editor, the Economist @ Barclay Room, Green Templeton College
‘News in the digital age, and how The Economist fits in’ – Tom Standage, deputy editor, the Economist @ Barclay Room, Green Templeton College
Jun 1 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Reuters Institute seminars “The business and practice of journalism” The following seminars will be given at 2pm on Wednesdays, normally in the Barclay Room, Green Templeton College. Convenors: James Painter, Richard Sambrook, David Levy Tom[...]
4:00 pm Women and Conflict in India @ Dahrendorf Room, St Antony's College
Women and Conflict in India @ Dahrendorf Room, St Antony's College
Jun 1 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
South Asia Seminar Series The book launched at this talk analyses the impact that prolonged socio-political conflict in India has had on political and social spaces for women. Focusing in particular on Assam in the[...]
5:00 pm ‘Food is the best medicine’: displacement, return and good (in)security in the Horn of Africa @ Seminar Room 3, Oxford Department of International Development
‘Food is the best medicine’: displacement, return and good (in)security in the Horn of Africa @ Seminar Room 3, Oxford Department of International Development
Jun 1 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Speaker: Dr Laura Hammond (Reader in Development Studies, Department of Development Studies, SOAS)
5:00 pm Economic Growth, Structural Transformation and the Evolving Food Security Challenge @ School of Geography and the Environment
Economic Growth, Structural Transformation and the Evolving Food Security Challenge @ School of Geography and the Environment
Jun 1 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
As economies grow the food security challenge transitions from tackling hunger and micronutrient malnutrition to combating the problems associated with over-nutrition. The food policy priorities also transition from a focus on the quantity of food[...]
6:00 pm St Peter’s College: EU Referendum Forum @ St Peter's College Chapel
St Peter’s College: EU Referendum Forum @ St Peter's College Chapel
Jun 1 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
St Peter's College: EU Referendum Forum @ St Peter's College Chapel | Oxford | United Kingdom
Three high-profile SPC alumni return to their college to discuss the impending EU Referendum in a forum chaired by the Master, Mark Damazer CBE. Join the Editor of the Sunday Times, Martin Ivens (BA Modern[...]
6:00 pm What happens when literature swears? Working-class life and the pursuit of literature, from John Clare to James Kelman @ John Henry Brookes Lecture Theatre
What happens when literature swears? Working-class life and the pursuit of literature, from John Clare to James Kelman @ John Henry Brookes Lecture Theatre
Jun 1 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
What happens when literature swears? Working-class life and the pursuit of literature, from John Clare to James Kelman @ John Henry Brookes Lecture Theatre | Oxford | United Kingdom
Simon will investigate class and literature ranging across British writers from the early 19th century through to the present day. Across poetry and fiction, Simon will present works – classic and not so well-known –[...]
7:30 pm Emma McClure & The Phantom of Heilbronn and other Forensic Faux Pas (Oxford Skeptics in the Pub) @ St Aldates Tavern
Emma McClure & The Phantom of Heilbronn and other Forensic Faux Pas (Oxford Skeptics in the Pub) @ St Aldates Tavern
Jun 1 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Emma McClure & The Phantom of Heilbronn and other Forensic Faux Pas (Oxford Skeptics in the Pub) @ St Aldates Tavern | Oxford | United Kingdom
We’ve all seen it: A renegade detective pores over the scene of a grizzly murder. They find an overlooked clue; a hair, a footprint, a shell casing. Detailed forensic analysis matches the clue to the[...]
7:30 pm LGBT Liberation: Are we there yet? @ Michael Young building (where Restore meets)
LGBT Liberation: Are we there yet? @ Michael Young building (where Restore meets)
Jun 1 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
LGBT Liberation: Are we there yet? @ Michael Young building (where Restore meets) | Oxford | United Kingdom
Meeting on the politics of LGBT liberation with Noel Halifax author of “Out, Proud and Fighting: Gay Liberation and the Struggle for Socialism”.