Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.

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10:00 am Lewis Carroll Talks for Alice’s Day – ‘Time for Alice’ @ Weston Lecture Theatre
Lewis Carroll Talks for Alice’s Day – ‘Time for Alice’ @ Weston Lecture Theatre
Jul 6 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Four talks starting at 10am 10am: Alice’s Nightmare in Wonderland: an innovative adventure gamebook with a dangerous twist from Jon Green 11am: Alice in Guinness-time: a 1960s’ advertising campaign using Lewis Carroll’s characters from Brian[...]
9:00 pm Daphna Baram: Cracking Up @ Oxford Comedy Festival @Trinity College Beer Cellar
Daphna Baram: Cracking Up @ Oxford Comedy Festival @Trinity College Beer Cellar
Jul 6 @ 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Daphna Baram: Cracking Up @ Oxford Comedy Festival @Trinity College Beer Cellar
Quickly approaching 50, Daphna Baram believes she is having a midlife crisis, though her GP thinks that’s highly optimistic. She looks back with no regrets but some remorse, and cracks up some insightful ideas about[...]