Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
An elusive breed of criminal entrepreneurs from China known as the Big Circle Boys (BCB) remain an intrigue to organised crime specialists. Apart from anecdotal reporting about their alleged dominance in the Canadian underworld and[...]
Charles Babbage has been called the ‘great-uncle’ of modern computing, a claim that rests simultaneously on his demonstrable understanding of most of the architectural principles underlying the modern computer,band the almost universal ignorance of Babbage’s[...]
Blackwell’s is thrilled to be welcoming Erling Kagge to discuss his new book ‘Philosophy for Polar Explorers’. Synopsis Erling Kagge was the first man in history to reach all of the Earth’s poles by foot[...]
Migration is present at the dawn of human history – the phenomena of hunting and gathering, seeking seasonal pasture and nomadism being as old as human social organisation itself. The flight from natural disasters, adverse[...]
Adam Smith is world-famous as a founding father of economics, and well-known to political theorists and philosophers for his Theory of Moral Sentiments (TMS). His work as a jurist is much less well known. As[...]
This workshop explores the themes raised in Professor Iain McLean’s lecture of 12 November: Adam Smith as Jurist. Workshop Programme 09:25 Welcome and introduction Denis GALLIGAN, Professor of Socio-Legal Studies Emeritus, University of Oxford and[...]
Inaugural event in our new events series focusing on responsible leadership: Driving Diversity and Inclusion Seminar Series. Progress on diversity in the UK civil service and why it matters. How the dial only really shifted[...]
New technologies have always provoked panic about workers being replaced by machines. In the past, such fears have been misplaced, and many economists maintain that they remain so today. Yet in A World Without Work,[...]
Lord Sumption will discuss the impact on our constitution and political system of the referendum of 2016 and its aftermath. Part of the Oxford Martin Lecture Series: ‘Shaping the future’
St Benet’s Hall marks a special exhibition of The Rule of St Benedict MS. Hatton 48, fols. 14v-15r at the Weston Library, with a series of lectures on aspects of the mediaeval Benedictine contribution to[...]
In this book colloquium, a panel discussion will assess British judge and historian Lord Sumption’s provocative bestseller Trials of the State: Law and the Decline of Politics, which expands on arguments first laid out in[...]
Sir Martin will review the theory and practice of genuine gender equality in the workforce, including personal experience of leadership challenges in implementing gender balance leadership. Martin was appointed President of Boeing Europe and Managing[...]
Speaker: Dr Neil Armstrong (Stipendiary Lecturer in Social and Cultural Anthropology at Magdalen College) This paper uses ethnographic material of NHS mental healthcare to raise some questions about autonomy, risk and personal and institutional responsibility.[...]
This seminar is part of our public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from School and its Consequences’, led by the Department of Education and convened by Harry Daniels (Professor of Education) and Ian Thompson (Associate Professor[...]
Lecture by Jinny Blom who has created over 250 gardens and landscapes, Laurent-Perrier garden which gained a Gold at Chelsea. Artist in Residence for Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, she is author of The Thoughtful Gardener:[...]
This book colloquium will discuss Shoshana Zuboff’s The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, her influential account of the challenges to humanity posed by the digital future, specifically, how the commodification of personal information threatens our core[...]
‘Job insecurity at the end of the 20th century has given way to income insecurity at the start of the 21st.’ – Andy Haldane, July 2019 Join us for a stimulating morning of talks exploring[...]
Talk, followed by walking tour of the park. Jane Kilsby, local historian shares her recent research into this well-loved 19th century public park. Maximum 20
Lecture by Linda Farrar, a freelance researcher, lecturer and author of Ancient Roman Gardens. The art of gardening has a long history, with gardens being used in most ancient cultures to enhance living areas, and[...]
Tea/coffee, biscuits on arrival in the Committee Room. Introductory talk from Sophie Huxley, Gardener, LMH, followed by tour of the garden. Parking for 5 cars only (priority to Blue Card holders). Maximum 20 persons
Jointly organised by the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics and the Anscombe Bioethics Centre. This unusual online event will see Alberto Guibilini and David Jones adopting the other’s position on conscientious objection, arguing for[...]
Parliamentary sovereignty is a fundamental principle shared by democracies around the world, based on the belief that political power should be subject to scrutiny by elected representatives accountable to the people they serve. Yet in[...]
Professor Buchanan introduces his latest book ‘Our Moral Fate: Evolution and the Escape From Tribalism’. Is tribalism-the political and cultural divisions between Us and Them-an inherent part of our basic moral psychology? Many scientists link[...]
Friday 23 October Lecture by Advolly Richmond. Thomas Birch was a trained botanist, and head gardener at Orwell Park, Ipswich, before travelling to the Gold Coast. He became part of the international network of correspondents[...]
How do you build inclusion from the ground up? People with albinism face discrimination across the globe but are often left out of activist efforts around diversity and inclusion. In this episode, we speak to[...]
Lecture by Hanna Zembrzycka-Kisiel, Principal Major Applications Officer at South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse Councils. Hanna uses the research insights of her recent MA Thesis to explore the reality of poor urban design[...]
Lecture by Jane Owen, preceded by OGT’s Christmas drinks party. Jane Owen, Founder Member of OGT, avid gardener, garden historian and previously Deputy Editor of the Financial Times, gives us her personal take on garden[...]
We are pleased to reschedule this talk by Dr Estelle Zinsstag (Edinburgh Napier University/University of Oxford) which was originally planned for March 2020 and postponed due to COVID-19. Dr Zinsstag will present her research on[...]
Amanda Oates (Executive Director of Workforce, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust) and Dr Kristina Brown (Senior Lecturer, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University) will be speaking on the story of the Just and Learning Culture at[...]
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