Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
The archetype of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’, India’s political and economic presence in Afghanistan is often viewed as a Machiavellian ploy aimed against Pakistan. The first of its kind, this book interrogates that[...]
From 19.15 the Exeter Hall is open for help, computer advice on tracing family members, refreshments, browsing of Family History books, CDs and other items. Talk starts at 20.00
Speaker: Salman Khurshid MP Former Minister of External Affairs, Former Minister of Law and Justice, Republic of India Respondent: Shruti Kapila Fellow and Director of Studies in History, Corpus Christi College; Lecturer in History, University[...]
Sejuti Das Gupta’s current research project is a monograph on Indian agrarian political economy, based on her doctoral dissertation, to be published with Cambridge University Press in 2018. Her areas of interest are agrarian political[...]
CANCELLED BECAUSE OF THE SNOW IN SCOTLAND WHERE THE SPEAKERS ARE BASED A free event to meet guest speaker from Standa over 3 sessions. Presentations will cover motion control components and accessories as well as[...]
Can the China Pakistan Economic Corrridor (CPEC) affect regional stability and the prospect for peace? Will Russia, Iran, and China be part of a new regional order at this crossroads of empire? This event will[...]
In conjunction with the 16th Annual Oxford Human Rights Festival, Oxford Community-led Housing* research project is organising a session on “Identity and [Affordable] Housing”, with a focus on self-build housing. The session will screen the[...]
The emergence of Islamic liberalism in Southeast Asia over the last two decades has been characterized by its highly uneven reception across and within national contexts. In Malaysia, liberalism is a thoroughly negative category in[...]
Carrie Gracie grew up mostly in North-East Scotland and set up a restaurant before taking a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford. She spent a year teaching in two Chinese universities and then[...]
Geoengineering, the practice of artificially altering the climate, has long been a contentious topic. Its attractiveness to scientists and policy makers who aim to engineer alternative solutions to mitigate the dangers of climate change is[...]
The talk is part of seminar series, ‘India on the World Stage: International Relations of India Seminar Series’, organised by the Indian National Student Association (INSA), with support from the South Asian Studies Programme at[...]
The Making of the Indonesian Migrant Labour Movement Junko Asano (St Antony’s, International Development) The Bold and Brave of Burma: A Micro-Level Study of the first Movers of Dissent between 1988-2011 Jieun Baek (Hertford, Blavatnik[...]
The Making of the Indonesian Migrant Labour Movement Junko Asano (St Antony’s, International Development) The Bold and Brave of Burma: A Micro-Level Study of the first Movers of Dissent between 1988-2011 Jieun Baek (Hertford, Blavatnik[...]
The talk is part of seminar series, ‘India on the World Stage: International Relations of India Seminar Series’, organised by the Indian National Student Association (INSA), with support from the South Asian Studies Programme at[...]
Speaker: Carlo van de Weijer Digitisation has entered the mobility arena. The car has evolved from a mechanical device into a “data producing embedded software platform”, and the internet is quickly linking the supply and[...]
The Race and Resistance Programme at The Oxford Center in the Humanities, is honoured to host the Honorable Peter Gastrow, on the afternoon of the 11th of May, (Friday of 3rd Week). Gastrow, a former[...]
Speaker: Jacques Rupnik (Sciences Po Paris)
We are now in the Anthropocene – human activity has become a major influence on the climate and ecosystems of the earth. It has never been more important that the public are aware of the[...]
The talk is part of seminar series, ‘India on the World Stage: International Relations of India Seminar Series’, organised by the Indian National Student Association (INSA), with support from the South Asian Studies Programme at[...]
Professor Linda McDowell, CBE, DLitt, FBA (The School of Geography and St John’s College) presents Moving Stories: the working lives of migrant women in post-war Britain. “Migration and employment are central issues in understanding the[...]
Our DNA holds clues to the demographic history of our ancestors. Dr Clare Bycroft presents recent work looking at the genetic history of the Iberian Peninsula.
William Smith is best known for his great geological map of 1815. Less well appreciated is his lasting legacy in crafting and defining the sub-disciplines of stratigraphy (the correlation and ordering of stratified rocks) and[...]
Asylum seekers, refugees, and undocumented migrants often draw attention to the global colonial histories which give context to their present situation. And yet these connections are rarely made by academics. This presentation explores aspects of[...]
In this panel we invite three individuals from different backgrounds, within and outside of the University of Oxford’s School of Geography and the Environment, to offer their take on data’s dirty tricks. In an age[...]
Meet thermal imaging applications specialist to discuss how thermal imaging can be used in your application.
Meet thermal imaging applications specialist to discuss how thermal imaging can be used in your applications
Meet thermal imaging applications specialist to discuss your application and how thermal imaging can be used
Dr Katherine Wheelhouse did her MChem at Jesus College, Oxford, working in the chemistry department with Prof Tim Donohoe before joining GSK as a process chemist in 2008. Since 2011 Katherine has specialised in application[...]
‘Triboreacted materials as functional interfaces in internal combustion engines and medical implants’ Reducing CO2 and particulate emissions to halt global warming and improve the air cleanliness in developed and developing nations is urgent. A similarly[...]
– GPES Seminar Series – Oxford Brookes
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