Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
This is a joint event with the Oxford Martin School and the Oxford Climate Research Network (OCRN) Professor David Battisti, The Tamaki Endowed Chair of Atmospheric Sciences, will be talking about global climate sensitivity controlling[...]
The 11th Annual Human Welfare Conference is entitled ‘Innovate: Balancing Interests in Resource-Constrained Settings’. The conference will focus on solutions being developed at various scales to improve human wellbeing in areas as diverse as poverty[...]
This is a joint event with the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food Dr Mike Hamm will explore the opportunity for regional food systems in-and-around cities for mutual benefit. He will approach a[...]
Is competition in the digital economy desirable? Does it currently exist? Is it possible? Is there anything policy can do? This talk addresses all of these questions and presents the recommendations of the Digital Competition[...]
Like the wind, knowledge can be difficult to see or grasp, but if well-harnessed, it can help us do extraordinary things. In this talk, Dr Penny Mealy will discuss how novel analytical tools are providing[...]
The 5th Annual Oxford Business and Poverty Conference will feature a diverse range of speakers addressing the Paradoxes of Prosperity. Sign up here: Hosted at the Sheldonian Theatre, the conference will feature keynotes by:[...]
In Origin of Species, Charles Darwin described how a population explosion occurs and called the time of population explosion “ favourable seasons”, he was not to know it, but such circumstances arose for his own[...]
Coriander Theatre presents a new play ‘My Mother Runs in Zig-Zags’ at the North Wall Arts Centre, 30th May – 1st June 2019, 7:30pm, Saturday Matinee 2:30pm. Sometimes, race and trauma are like leaky old[...]
Digital technologies are changing economics in two ways. The characteristics of an increasingly digital economy raise questions about economic analysis in domains ranging from competition policy to corporate finance, while new data sources and methodologies[...]
The high seas are under severe pressure from both direct and indirect human impacts, including the effects of over-fishing, plastic debris and climate change. In this talk, Prof Alex Rogers will present what a network[...]
The question of how far a state should authorise the peacetime collection and use of intelligence gathered by secret agents and by interception of communications has long been a thorny issue of public policy. Today,[...]
Professor Sir Paul Collier and Professor Colin Mayer CBE will share the latest thinking and research into the future of capitalism and the corporation to understand how business might be changed to make it work[...]
For centuries, England’s elite have covered up how they got their hands on millions of acres of our land, by constructing walls, burying surveys and more recently, sheltering behind offshore shell companies. But with the[...]
Organised by Oxford Civic Society @oxcivicsoc. Government proposals for significant growth in Oxfordshire in coming decades include an Expressway and several new communities. Are these needed or can growth be directed elsewhere? Can growth be[...]
This is a joint book talk with The Rockefeller Foundation Economic Council on Planetary Health at the Oxford Martin School Now that Trump has turned the United States into a global climate outcast, will China[...]
The biosphere and econosphere are deeply interlinked and both are in crisis. Industrial, fossil-fuel based capitalism delivered major increases in living standards from the mid-18th through late-20th centuries, but at the cost of widespread ecosystem[...]
Travis Jay presents his brand new, emotional roller-coaster of a show. It recounts Travis’s hilarious journey from childhood to fatherhood, and the many hiccups in-between. Nominated for The Leicester Mercury Comedian of the year in[...]
A conference exploring how we can get people who used to cycle, or have never cycled, onto bikes, and the role of virtual reality cycling. Come and join us for a day full of informative[...]
We cannot end poverty without ending energy poverty. Ever since the world’s first power plants whirred to life in 1882, we have seen how electricity is the lynchpin for development in all of its forms.[...]
Kajal Odedra has always been passionate about helping other people affect change. She is Executive Director of Change.Org and author of ‘Do Something: Activism for Everyone’. is the world’s largest petition platform with 15[...]
In this book talk the Author, Carl Benedikt Frey, will discuss how the Industrial Revolution was a defining moment in history, but how few grasped its enormous consequences at the time. Now that we are[...]
Data-driven micro-targeted campaigns have become a main stable of political strategy. As personal and societal data becomes more accessible, we need to understand how it can be used and mis-used in political campaigns and whether[...]
Is it our social responsibility to vaccinate? Vaccination has eradicated deadly diseases from our world and saved millions of lives; but why do some people refuse to vaccinate? This event, presented in partnership with the[...]
Michael Obersteiner will present new insights from co-producing a set of new sustainability scenarios. Major sectoral transitions will be presented to achieve development targets in line with improved ecosystem and human health. He will conclude[...]
We are honoured to announce that Elif Shafak will give this year’s Annual Blackwell’s Lecture on Thursday 24th October 2019 at 7.30pm in the Sheldonian Theatre. Elif Shafak will deliver this year’s Annual Blackwell’s Lecture[...]
Scientists need your help! As we get more information about the Universe, we risk becoming overwhelmed but – as Oxford astronomer Chris Lintott explains in his new book, you can help. Hear from Oxford scientists[...]
A practical guide for the enquiring mind. Fake is real; from the Chernobyl apocalypse to cancer cures, how to know the truth behind the headlines? Join medical science communicator Catarina Amorim and mathematician Joana Andrade[...]
How do we make the best policy choices for our families when resources are stretched to breaking point? Join Mary Daly and Aaron Reeves (University of Oxford) and Sasha East and Deborah McIlveen (Blackbird Leys[...]
Geographers have long been interested in the spaces brought into being by the internet. In the early days of the Web, digital technologies were seen as tools that could bring a heterotopic cyberspace into being:[...]
Blackwell’s are honoured to be joined by Chelsea Kwakye and Ore Ogunbiyi, to talk about their hugely important book, Taking Up Space: The Black Girl’s Manifesto for Change. Synopsis As a minority in a predominantly[...]
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