Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
The Race and Resistance Programme at The Oxford Center in the Humanities, is honoured to host the Honorable Peter Gastrow, on the afternoon of the 11th of May, (Friday of 3rd Week). Gastrow, a former[...]
Speaker: Jacques Rupnik (Sciences Po Paris)
We are now in the Anthropocene – human activity has become a major influence on the climate and ecosystems of the earth. It has never been more important that the public are aware of the[...]
The talk is part of seminar series, ‘India on the World Stage: International Relations of India Seminar Series’, organised by the Indian National Student Association (INSA), with support from the South Asian Studies Programme at[...]
As part of Think Human Festival, this one-off pop-up event is a unique opportunity for visitors of all ages to interact with leading academics from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Oxford Brookes[...]
Professor Linda McDowell, CBE, DLitt, FBA (The School of Geography and St John’s College) presents Moving Stories: the working lives of migrant women in post-war Britain. “Migration and employment are central issues in understanding the[...]
This workshop, facilitated by journalist Shaista Aziz, will introduce and explore the notions of ‘intersectional’ identities. Intersectionality may be defined as the way in which people’s experiences are shaped by their ethnicity, class, sex, gender,[...]
Our DNA holds clues to the demographic history of our ancestors. Dr Clare Bycroft presents recent work looking at the genetic history of the Iberian Peninsula.
Professor Andy Orchard is the Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon, Fellow of Pembroke College and Emeritus Fellow of Trinity College, University of Toronto. Author of “The Critical Companion to Beowulf , Pride and Prodigies:[...]
William Smith is best known for his great geological map of 1815. Less well appreciated is his lasting legacy in crafting and defining the sub-disciplines of stratigraphy (the correlation and ordering of stratified rocks) and[...]
A fascinating and entertaining look at the ladies of the Marlborough family usually overlooked in favour of the men. This talk redresses the balance as it looks at the loves and achievements of some of[...]
The Marlborough family, Estate staff and the Palace itself played a full and energetic part in the war effort. This talk tells the story of how the Palace prepared for the worst, survived the onslaught[...]
Blenheim Palace has been used as a filming location in a huge variety of TV adverts and programmes, as well as appearing in both Hollywood and Bollywood blockbusters. It has starred in films such as[...]
The private resources of Blenheim Palace are drawn upon to afford a new and refreshing insight into this remarkable man. We examine the breadth of talent, achievement and personality of our “Greatest Briton”: soldier, politician,[...]
A look at the clothes, underclothes, shoes and accessories which would have been worn by some of the more colourful characters in the Palace’s 300-year history. This talk considers the part that arsenic, lead, mercury[...]
A presentation on natural history covering kingfishers, butterflies, insects, and many mammals. The Preeces have been photographing wildlife for about 18 years after taking early retirement and have had their work published in many magazines.
Organised by Oxford Civic Society @oxcivicsoc. Homelessness and in particular rough sleeping appears to be on the increase in Oxford but is a complex issue to address. Simon Bennett, Partnerships Officer at the City Council, will[...]
To commemorate the 250th anniversary of the Inclosure Act, a brief illustrated history will be given of a 4 acre allotment of land north of Oxford from Anglo-Saxon times to the present, together with a[...]
Organised by Oxford Civic Society @oxcivicsoc. In the second of his two talks on Oxford libraries, John Ashdown, former Conservation Officer for the City, talks about the most famous library of them all, the Bodleian. He[...]
The Re-Imagining Cole symposium will examine the background, context and depictions of previously unseen caricatures of Christian Frederick Cole, Oxford University’s first Black African Scholar 1873, and the first Black African to practise Law in[...]
Asylum seekers, refugees, and undocumented migrants often draw attention to the global colonial histories which give context to their present situation. And yet these connections are rarely made by academics. This presentation explores aspects of[...]
Organised by Oxford Civic Society @oxcivicsoc. Al Bell, Director of Oxford Citizens Advice, talks about the charity’s role in helping Oxford people and influencing decision makers on a range of contemporary social and economic issues[...]
In this panel we invite three individuals from different backgrounds, within and outside of the University of Oxford’s School of Geography and the Environment, to offer their take on data’s dirty tricks. In an age[...]
Don’t mention the ‘c’ word – Lucy Saunders will be talking about how to advocate for better conditions for cycling by building coalitions around the Healthy Streets Approach.
This is a great opportunity to find out more about the IB Diploma and Pre-IB courses. There will be a presentation to help debunk myths about the IB and why it is an option against[...]
Dani Linton has coordinated box checks looking for bat roosts rather than bird nests across Wytham Woods for over a decade, amassing a dataset of over 2500 day roosts, containing seven species and c.18,000 bat[...]
– GPES Seminar Series – Oxford Brookes
Two-thousand and nineteen marks the centenary of the Addison Act, the housing legislation which realised Lloyd-George’s ‘Homes fit for Heroes’ and the start of a nationwide system of state-owned housing that has lasted most of[...]
This is a joint lecture with The Rockefeller Foundation Economic Council on Planetary Health at the Oxford Martin School Cooling is critical for many of the sustainable development goals, including those relating to health, shelter,[...]
Currently limited tools exist to accurately forecast the complex nature of disease spread across the globe. Dr Moritz Kraemer will talk about the dynamic global maps being built, at 5km resolution, to predict the invasion[...]
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