Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
This seminar aims to address the difficulties met by disabled students and teachers in school and university and to hear more about what we can all do to ensure that those meeting such challenges enjoy[...]
The Oxford constituency of the Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (SRUK) is holding a discussion panel entitled “Women in science and the glass ceiling” where three invited speakers will give a short talk about[...]
Professor Tim Shreeve will explore why different species of butterflies have alternative responses to environmental change. Butterflies are important indicators of environmental change and their status in the UK and Europe is changing rapidly. Tim’s[...]
Women in Africa are congregated in poorly paid and precarious work (ILO, 2016) and have very high rates of school dropout, mortality and childhood morbidity. This is crucially linked to their role in childbirth and[...]
Research has established that there are improved outcomes for children in OOHC who have continuing involvement and positive relationships with parents and family. This is the case no matter how long children stay in care.[...]
CARU | Arts re Search Annual Conference 2017 “What does it mean to research art / to research through art?” CARU brings together artists and researchers for yet another day of cross-disciplinary exploration into arts[...]
Driverless cars are hitting the road, powered by artificial intelligence; robots can climb stairs, open doors, win Jeopardy, analyse stocks, work in factories, find parking spaces and advise oncologists. In the past, automation was considered[...]
Professor Fabrizio Schifano studied at the University of Padua, qualifying in both psychiatry and clinical pharmacology. He spent several years as a consultant in the Italian health service before moving to the UK to lecture[...]
Revd. Kate Seagrave studied linguistics here at Oxford before becoming ordained, leading to her return to work with the postgrads at St Aldates and the Oxford Pastorate. In this research presentation we will get to[...]
As anyone who has started to look into U.S. universities will know, a successful application requires strong knowledge of a host of different areas, from choosing the right college to picking the right extra-curricular activities.[...]
They say you never forget your first love. David Acheson believes you never forget your first moment of real excitement in mathematics, either. So why not join him for an informal and off-beat look at[...]
In conjunction with Oxford International Women’s Festival , Oxford Community-led Housing* research project and Transition by Design is organising a session on “Taking Control of our Housing: Women Leading the Charge”, to celebrate the efforts[...]
It is striking that no biography has yet been written of one of the most brilliant and original thinkers of the last century – the great Cambridge philosopher, economist, and mathematician, Frank Ramsey. Join us[...]
In conjunction with the 16th Annual Oxford Human Rights Festival, Oxford Community-led Housing* research project is organising a session on “Identity and [Affordable] Housing”, with a focus on self-build housing. The session will screen the[...]
Professor Susan Brooks will take you on a personal journey beginning in breast cancer research and leading to a passionate commitment to supporting and developing the next generation of researchers. Susan discovered that a chemical[...]
In this presentation, Professor Howard provides an overview of a 4-year global ethnography of the lessons students are taught through global citizenship education about their place in the world, their relationships with others, and who[...]
Possibilities and Limitations of Global Citizenship Adam Howard, Director and Professor of Education, Colby College *** All Are Welcome *** Please RSVP here: Adam Howard is Professor of Education and Director of the Education[...]
Alex Farrow: Philosophy, Schools and British Values Alex Farrow is a philosophy teacher and stand-up comedian who will be exploring what he learnt from teaching philosophy in a 6th form college to Muslim and Christian[...]
Dr Simone Sturniolo will talk about How computational science helps us understand the world and how you can try it too.
Can the wisdom of the crowd help us estimate the number of sweets in a jar? From guessing the weight of a cow or the number of sweets in a jar, there is evidence that[...]
As part of Think Human Festival, this one-off pop-up event is a unique opportunity for visitors of all ages to interact with leading academics from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Oxford Brookes[...]
The mental health and wellbeing of children and young people is increasingly recognised as a national priority, as issues related to behavioural and emotional disorders within society have escalated over recent years. Particular focus has[...]
Saturday drop In session for everyone. Think art is just about looking? Think again! Join this session to find out how hearing, taste, smell and touch are activated in our encounters with painting and sculpture.
Professor Mary Wild will bring a welcome dose of evidence-based argument to the debate on the future of education. Education develops the potential and talent of individuals to thrive and succeed in future economic and[...]
A newly awarded programme grant by Kinder (Ferrero International) will facilitate research around the educational content of Kinder’s Magic Kinder App – a fun and kid-friendly space that brings families together with a wide variety[...]
The Re-Imagining Cole symposium will examine the background, context and depictions of previously unseen caricatures of Christian Frederick Cole, Oxford University’s first Black African Scholar 1873, and the first Black African to practise Law in[...]
Anna Milon, Education Secretary of the Tolkien Society will be joining us to give her talk, Neurodivergent Middle-earth: Existing scholarship on Tolkien and mental health has largely focused on the aftermath of trauma or the[...]
This is a great opportunity to find out more about the IB Diploma and Pre-IB courses. There will be a presentation to help debunk myths about the IB and why it is an option against[...]
Join us for the launch event of the Future of Blockchain 3 Month Competition. We will be joined by 8 of the leading projects in the blockchain space. Teams include: Gnosis Kyber Iconomi Liquidity Network[...]
Talk followed by questions and discussion. This is part of a series of eight meetings on Thursday evenings, each one beginning at 7:30 and ending at 9pm. 11 October The right to say untrue and[...]
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