Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
Professor Carl Heneghan will deliver an interactive workshop, taking an evidence-based approach to answering your own clinical questions. With over 20 year’s experience in clinical epidemiology, Professor Heneghan has over 200 peer reviewed publications that[...]
The Symposium, celebrating Ada Lovelace’s 200th birthday on 10 December 2015, is aimed at a broad audience of those interested in the history and culture of mathematics and computer science, presenting current scholarship on Lovelace’s[...]
Acclaimed mathematician Marcus du Sautoy gives the second of the Weinrebe Lecture Series, on the theme of ‘Variations on Biography’, hosted by the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing.
This conference is intended to challenge the commonly held view of the prolonged gap in the progress of Western civilisation’s understanding of the natural world between the theories of the Ancient Greeks, led in particular[...]
How is the technology behind driverless cars designed and implemented? How does an autonomous vehicle interpret a complex and dynamic real world environment, and what are the ethical and social implications of taking humans out[...]
Screening of all 24 film entries to the Cyclox Short Film competition. This will be followed by prize giving, commentary and feedback by BBC Arts Editor Will Gompertz and Chair of Cyclox Simon Hunt. You[...]
This is the monthly meeting of the Oxford AI Meetup group. The talks include an analysis of Deep Mind’s AlphaGo software that has just beaten the world champion in their first match.
Our monthly meetup includes Alpha Go : How did Deep Mind beat the world champion and just how big an achievement is it? Fun with Recurrent Neural Networks The Latest AI news
IN[SCI]TE is a new interdisciplinary science, technology, and engineering conference, which will take place on Monday and Tuesday of 0th Week Trinity Term 2016. IN[SCI]TE is run by undergrads, and the talks will be both[...]
A Talk by Konstantin Kudryavtsev, Head of Technical Relations at Ethcore This will be about the Ethereum ecosystem and the blockchain
TUE, 24 MAY AT 14:00, OXFORD Strachey Lecture – Quantum Supremacy – Dr Scott Aaronson (MIT, UT Austin) Quantum Supremacy In the near future, it will likely become possible to perform special-purpose quantum computations that,[...]
Britain’s most famous mathematician explores the limits of human knowledge, to probe whether there is anything we truly cannot know. Are there limits to what we can discover about our physical Universe? Is time before[...]
Ludo, snakes & ladders and draughts are all popular pastimes, but in the past couple of decades a new generation of board games from designers with backgrounds in maths and science has begun to break[...]
Finding Atlantis: The Archaeology of Sunken Cities Atlantis remains one of marine archaeology’s most enduring mysteries. But what is the archaeological reality of sunken cities? Discover the incredible story of the oldest submerged town so[...]
Pen Hadow is one of the world’s leading polar explorers; in 2003 he made history and became the first, and so far only, person to trek solo without resupply from Canada to the North Pole.[...]
Get your game face on – it’s poker night at Science Oxford. Brush off your pack of cards and outplay Lady Luck with an evening of poker probability and psychology. Learn more about the head[...]
Sam Hampton who recently went to Leiden will be talking about what Oxford can learn from its twin city’s cycling infrastructure and culture.
Prime numbers are fundamentally important in mathematics. What can bracelets reveal about the distribution of the primes? Join us to hear Dr Vicky Neale discuss this topic, discover some of the beautiful properties of prime[...]
Ready to go on an expedition? Your health is of the utmost importance! OUEC is dedicated to provide you with a wealth of information for any expedition and wilderness medical advice or training! Our speaker,[...]
8 countries, 50 days, 2300km, countless encounters – Between March and May of this year Christian cycled from Munich along the Western Balkan refugee route to Athens. Attempting to understand what European and national politics[...]
A twenty minute talk to introduce the topic, followed by Q&As and about an hour’s discussion. All welcome.
Evgenia Emets, Katerina Loschinina and Oliver Gingrich from Analema Group will talk about their ongoing research and artistic project KIMA, exploring sound through its visual counterpart – geometry and light. They will speak on how[...]
Internationally acclaimed mountaineer Stephen Venables is one of the best-known climbers of his generation. In 1988 he became the first Briton to summit Everest without supplementary oxygen, pioneering a new route up the huge Kangshung[...]
A twenty minute talk to introduce the topic, followed by Q&As and about an hour’s discussion. All welcome.
An award-winning travel writer, Elsa Hammond has sailed from Samoa to Fiji, unicycled across England, carried out conservation work in the jungles of Borneo, and spent 51 days rowing alone on the Pacific Ocean. Whilst[...]
From Lesotho Rock art to Peruvian orchids, multi-award winning fine art photographer Quintin Lake will share his highlights from visiting over 70 countries. Quintin will speak on his approach to expedition photography having photographed for[...]
Cyclist and author Emily Chappell has been travelling by bicycle for many years. Here she shares some of her more noteworthy adventures, from surviving the frozen Alaska Highway to winning the 4,000km Transcontinental Race across[...]
Science, Medicine and Culture in the Nineteenth Century Seminar Series. All welcome, no booking required. Ursula Martin, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Oxford, will be speaking on Ada Lovelace in Her Mathematical[...]
Earth Trust invites you to a lecture by Robert Swan, OBE. Robert Swan is the first man to have walked unsupported to both poles and is currently attempting to walk with his son to the[...]
Numerous free talks, walking tours and workshops over two days.
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