Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
This talk is co-hosted by the Oxford Martin School, University College & Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, and is a continuation of the Trinity Term Series ‘Science and Populism: from evidence to narrative’. Dr Patrick[...]
Join us for the launch event of the Future of Blockchain 3 Month Competition. We will be joined by 8 of the leading projects in the blockchain space. Teams include: Gnosis Kyber Iconomi Liquidity Network[...]
Talk followed by questions and discussion. This is part of a series of eight meetings on Thursday evenings, each one beginning at 7:30 and ending at 9pm. 11 October The right to say untrue and[...]
Oxford Kurdish Association invite you to a panel discussion about the current situation in the Kurdish Syrian region of Afrin. A panel of speakers will discuss the background of the occupation of the Kurdish city[...]
Sunday, 25th November 2018 11am – 6.15pm (Registration starts at 10.30am) Chakrabarti Lecture Theatre & JHB207, John Henry Brookes Building, Headington Campus, Oxford Brookes University, Headington Road, Oxford OX3 0BP “What does it mean to[...]
Prime numbers have intrigued, inspired and infuriated mathematicians for millennia. Dr Vicky Neale (University of Oxford) explores the very different ways in which prime number breakthroughs are made.
Featuring a range of speakers and artists, and a showing of the film ‘The Proud Valley’.
Blackwell’s are delighted to be hosting a very special event with Tom Kibasi on Prosperity and Justice: A Plan for the New Economy. The Final Report of the IPPR Commission on Economic Justice. The UK[...]
Professor Ian Goldin, Director of Oxford Martin Programme on Technological and Economic Change, will identify the economic impact of migration and examine how the contribution that migrants make has been overwhelmed by the politics. As[...]
Talk followed by questions and discussion. All welcome. This is the first of a series of weekly talks. The full list is: Brexit: archaic techniques of ecstasy Thursday 17 January: 7:30pm–9:00pm Wesley Memorial Church (New[...]
There seems to be a growing consensus that previous assumptions about the long term consequences of China’s rise have turned out to be misplaced. Rather than China becoming ‘socialised’ into the liberal global order (and[...]
– GPES Seminar Series – Oxford Brookes
Abstract: Current commentary in legal and political philosophy conceptualises political parties either as private organisations, immune from legal regulation in their internal affairs, or as quasi-public institutions, where the state may justifiably mandate certain internal[...]
Two-thousand and nineteen marks the centenary of the Addison Act, the housing legislation which realised Lloyd-George’s ‘Homes fit for Heroes’ and the start of a nationwide system of state-owned housing that has lasted most of[...]
Talk followed by questions and discussion All welcome This is the latest in a series of eight weekly talks. The full list is: Brexit: archaic techniques of ecstasy Thursday 17 January: 7:30pm–9:00pm Wesley Memorial Church[...]
The day will consist of a range of events, hosted by speakers from different areas of STEM and industry. Expect to hear from keynote speakers, engage with panel discussions, and get hands on experience in[...]
An afternoon of celebration and debate marking the legacy of former Cabinet Secretary Jeremy Heywood.
– GPES Seminar Series, Oxford Brookes University
Talk followed by questions and discussion
We need to talk about Brexit. This crisis which affects all our lives is now evolving day by day, in the balance between danger and hope. Our actions can still affect the outcome. Join us[...]
This is a joint lecture with The Rockefeller Foundation Economic Council on Planetary Health at the Oxford Martin School Cooling is critical for many of the sustainable development goals, including those relating to health, shelter,[...]
This talk has been cancelled. Sorry. Talk followed by questions and discussion
The Global Politics, Economy and Society (GPES) Research Centre at Oxford Brookes will be hosting its first annual lecture, given by the writer and activist George Monbiot. All welcome, but please book via the registration[...]
Organised by Oxford Civic Society @oxcivicsoc. Should we prioritise the Green Belt or new homes for Oxford? In this, the first of a series of public debates to mark the 50th anniversary of Oxford Civic[...]
The Lecture will analyse the phenomenon of Donald Trump’s presidency against the backdrop and contrast of the European Enlightenment’s influence on the Founders of the United States. It will also explain why his stark antithesis[...]
Talk followed by questions and discussion. All welcome
In our first of two seminars on the future of work after automation Dr Brendan Burchell will investigate the potential for a five-day weekend society. Machine-learning and robotics technologies promise to be able to replace[...]
H.E John Mahama, former President of Ghana will give his insightful lecture at Saïd Business School in collaboration with the African Studies Centre and the Oxford Africa Business Alliance. H.E. John Mahama was the President[...]
The conflictual politics of Brexit – characterized by entrenched divisions between Leavers and Remainers – can be traced back to long-standing and more recent features of the British constitution that encourage discord over dialogue; tribal[...]
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