Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
Our rapidly changing technological landscape is having a massive impact on social and economic inequality. Dr Craig Holmes, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School, considers how[...]
Please join us at 7pm on Thursday of 7th Week (November 24th) for a presentation by Daniel Castro Garcia and Thomas Saxby on their recent publication ‘Foreigner: Migration into Europe 2015–2016’. —————————————————– “The photographs are[...]
From Lesotho Rock art to Peruvian orchids, multi-award winning fine art photographer Quintin Lake will share his highlights from visiting over 70 countries. Quintin will speak on his approach to expedition photography having photographed for[...]
Studying or working in a science or engineering subject? Interested in how to close the gender gap, and want to hear great role models speak about their experiences? Join Oxford Females in Engineering, Science and[...]
Tickets on sale now on! Held annually at the Saïd Business School, Oxford Inspires is Oxford Entrepreneur’s annual conference. This year Oxford Inspires has secured an incredible line-up of speakers including: MATT CLIFFORD –[...]
Saïd Business School is thrilled to announce Lawrence H. Summers, American economist and former Director of the National Economic Council for President Obama, will be in conversation with Dean Peter Tufano at the School on[...]
Leading academics in the field of management and organisation development studies will share cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on the questions of workplace identities, genders and sexualities
This lecture is a joint event between the Oxford Martin School and the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception, all welcome.
Saïd Business School is pleased to welcome Lubomira Rochet, Global Chief Digital Officer of the L’Oréal Group, to speak at the School on Wednesday 26 April. Leading digital transformation at L’Oréal L’Oréal is the world’s[...]
Professor Clare Harris shares her latest research focussed on the visual anthropology of Tibet, showing stunning images from her recent book.
This event is in partnership with the Resolution Foundation The accumulation and distribution of wealth across Britain has been a contentious issue since the dawn of economics. But while wealth inequality is traditionally viewed as[...]
N.B. This event is not yet confirmed; however we expect it to be very popular. Please register your interest and, once confirmed, your registration will be converted into an order. In 2013, the Bank of[...]
Saïd Business School is pleased to welcome Justin King CBE, former CEO of Sainsbury’s plc and Vice Chair of Terra Firma, to speak at the School on Monday 12 June as part of the Responsible[...]
Oxford India Speaker series and Saïd Business School presents: Ajay G. Piramal in conversation with Dean Peter Tufano The event will span a range of topics including entrepreneurship, the future of the Indian economy and[...]
Photographer Roger Chapman discusses his exhibition and international photography project ‘Camel: A Journey through Fragile Landscapes’, currently being premiered at the Pitt Rivers Museum.
Alumni Panel with Professor Julia Bray, Dr Abigail Tompkins, Dr Marco Haenssgen and Dr Sony Pellissery Insight on careers in, and after, academia Professor Julia Bray, DPhil Oriental Studies, 1974 After graduating from St Hilda’s,[...]
Part of the St Cross College Alumni talks series Ed Macalister-Smith,St Cross alumnus (MSc Forestry and its Relation to Land Use, 1978) Ed will talk about his career experience of the English National Health Service[...]
Procter&Gamble known as P&G is an American consumer goods multinational founded in 1837. It operates through the following segments: Beauty, Hair, and Personal; Grooming; Health Care; Fabric Care and Home Care; and Baby, Feminine and[...]
Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell is a Professorial Fellow of Mansfield College who discovered pulsars as a radio astronomy PhD student 50 years ago this autumn. She is currently the (first female) President of the[...]
Professional social media like LinkedIn are changing the professional landscape. Users can now connect and get to be known by creating personal information profiles and inviting colleagues to have access to those profiles. Sending emails[...]
All details in link below!
Drawing on ethnographic data gathered in Pathein, Myanmar, the paper investigates the moral underpinnings of responsibilities and hierarchies in small businesses, specifically the question of what makes a good employer. It will show how responsibilities[...]
In this talk on Stress, Strain, and Overwork in Historical Perspective Professor Sally Shuttleworth (Faculty of English Language and Literature) will look at discussions of stress and overwork in both education and professional life in[...]
The Oxford Fabian Society host the Fabian Society regional conference. Embracing Change: Socialism for a Brave New World Outline programme 9:00-9:30: registration 9:30: Welcome: Oxford and the Fabian Society. Michael Weatherburn (Secretary, Oxford Fabians) 9:45-10:15:[...]
CARU | Arts re Search Annual Conference 2017 “What does it mean to research art / to research through art?” CARU brings together artists and researchers for yet another day of cross-disciplinary exploration into arts[...]
Driverless cars are hitting the road, powered by artificial intelligence; robots can climb stairs, open doors, win Jeopardy, analyse stocks, work in factories, find parking spaces and advise oncologists. In the past, automation was considered[...]
Old Images of Abingdon – various images and what they show. Speakers AAAHS members: Anne Smithson, Judy White, Jackie Smith, Jessica Brod, Manfred Brod and John Foreman. The meeting will consist of a number of[...]
Professor Susan Brooks will take you on a personal journey beginning in breast cancer research and leading to a passionate commitment to supporting and developing the next generation of researchers. Susan discovered that a chemical[...]
Carrie Gracie grew up mostly in North-East Scotland and set up a restaurant before taking a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford. She spent a year teaching in two Chinese universities and then[...]
St Anne’s College is proud to host an inspiring group of entrepreneurs to demystify the field of entrepreneurship and explain some of the paths to a career in this field. Our speakers will present their[...]
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