Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
How can we understand ‘tension’, the experience of rigidity that often underpins systemic structures of domination, epistemic violence as well as physical aggression in South Asia? Following Zygmunt Bauman, I want to suggest that ‘tension’[...]
Against the backdrop of the rich judicial output of the Strasbourg Court, the case law under Article 4 (slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking) of the European Convention on Human Rights is scarce. This[...]
The Oxford Israel Forum, Oxford PPE Society and Oxford International Relations Society are delighted to host Dan Meridor, former Deputy Prime Minister of Israel. Mr Meridor will be discussing the current political situation in Israel[...]
Join Oxford Chancellor Lord Patten of Barnes in conversation with former Australian foreign minister Gareth Evans in a special UK launch of the Evans’s recently published political memoir Incorrigible Optimist. Gareth Evans, Oxford PPE graduate[...]
On 16 February, in collaboration with MIGRATE and Unicef’s NEXTGen London, we are delighted to be joined by BBC journalist Catrin Nye who will be presenting her latest documentary report, Our World: Welcome to Germany.[...]
A screening of the newly reversioned documentary film, ‘New Wave Ballet’, followed by a discussion led by Dame Monica Mason. Featuring interviews and never before seen archival footage, ‘New Wave Ballet’ explores British choreographer Kenneth[...]
Children are the victims of some of the most devastating examples of state-sanctioned and private human rights abuse. In increasing numbers, they are attempting to find international protection, and are forced to navigate complex administrative[...]
Throughout history there have been horrific injustices that were considered acceptable in their time, but when we look back we are appalled that they were tolerated or even celebrated. Societies often have blind spots… do[...]
Parul Bhandari is currently a Visiting Scholar at St. Edmund’s College and the Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS), University of Cambridge, UK. She is also a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Centre of Social Sciences[...]
Who cares about IDP law? Unlike refugees and other special interest groups that benefit from dedicated status under international law, IDP protection tends to be viewed as a matter of policy rather than law. Indeed,[...]
Alastair Macaulay (Chief Dance Critic of the New York Times) will deliver a guest lecture on Fred Astaire. The lecture will discuss the legendary Astaire’s life and work, with illustrations and film footage.
In conjunction with Oxford International Women’s Festival , Oxford Community-led Housing* research project and Transition by Design is organising a session on “Taking Control of our Housing: Women Leading the Charge”, to celebrate the efforts[...]
Afua Hirsch is an author and journalist and will be discussing her new book: Brit(ish) about being black and British
How do States ‘legitimize’ their non-ratification of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees? This talk will examine the case of Lebanon, a[...]
The first of the Oxford Human Rights Festival lunchtime seminars showcasing work done here at Brookes around the theme of IDENTITY. Reader in Psychology Dr. Mark Burgess asks who are we and what forms our[...]
The second of the Oxford Human Rights Festival lunchtime seminars showcasing work done here at Brookes around the theme of IDENTITY. Dr Supriya Akerkar is a senior lecturer in Disaster Risk Reduction with CENDEP, Oxford[...]
Please note that participation in workshop is by registration. Please register on Eventbrite. Regardless of a country’s level of prosperity, people with disabilities and older people are the most affected in humanitarian crisis, facing disproportionate[...]
A lecture on compassion by Alexander Norman, the author of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama biographies and the President of Help Tibet.
In conjunction with the 16th Annual Oxford Human Rights Festival, Oxford Community-led Housing* research project is organising a session on “Identity and [Affordable] Housing”, with a focus on self-build housing. The session will screen the[...]
In this age of so-called ‘Fake News’, a concept promoted in Tweets from the White House, seized on by conspiracy theories, and threatening to undermine the democratic process, the trustworthiness of our journalists has never[...]
Carrie Gracie grew up mostly in North-East Scotland and set up a restaurant before taking a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford. She spent a year teaching in two Chinese universities and then[...]
Distinguished modern historian and former Warden of St Antony’s College, Professor MacMillan recently became an Honorary Fellow of LMH. She is a Companion of the Order of Canada, and will be this summer’s BBC Reith[...]
The Oxford Guild and its Collegium Global Network in association with the Oxford PPE Society is delighted to welcome a very special guest – Tawakkol Karman, one of the most famous and most decorated Nobel[...]
Bill Browder, CEO and Founder of Hermitage Capital Management, Head of Global Magnitsky Justice Campaign and author of “Red Notice, How I Became Putin’s Number One Enemy”
As part of Think Human Festival, this one-off pop-up event is a unique opportunity for visitors of all ages to interact with leading academics from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Oxford Brookes[...]
Join us for live music in the Forum of the John Henry Brookes Building from 17:00 before the panel discussion in the John Henry Brookes Lecture Theatre at 18:00. Most political movements are accompanied by[...]
Join us for live music in the John Henry Brookes Building – Forum before the panel discussion at 18:00 in the Lecture Theatre. Most political movements are accompanied by protest songs. This Think Human Festival[...]
The year is 1964 and ten defendants are on trial for their lives in South Africa in what is widely perceived as a politically motivated proceeding. The defendants include many prominent campaigners against apartheid, notably[...]
Discover how propaganda images and literature during the First World War marked a change in women and their roles in society.
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