Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
One estimate suggests that $2.3trillion was invested in infrastructure worldwide last year. That vast investment has provided roads, power plants, mobile phone networks, dams and recycling plants. Whether those investments have been sustainable is questionable.[...]
As part of the Oxford Brookes Think Human Festival 2020, Pegasus Theatre presents this discussion around creativity and empowering young people in the arts. Is to be creative to be human? Join a panel of[...]
A panel exploring how universities can best support new students as they transition to University
As part of the Think Human Festival held by Oxford Brookes University, a film showing of ‘Life is Wonderful: Mandela’s Unsung Heroes’ is being held. Following the showing there will be a Q&A with a[...]
It’s such a strange experience: you’re in the place you want to be, researching a topic of great interest to you, you have time and space for research that senior academics often envy, and yet[...]
This seminar is part of our public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from School and its Consequences’, led by the Department of Education and convened by Harry Daniels (Professor of Education) and Ian Thompson (Associate Professor[...]
In this book talk, Claas will review central findings of his research on the past 80 years of antibiotic use, resistance, and regulation in food production with introduction by Prof Mark Harrison, Director of Wellcome[...]
Globally, renewable energy has a foot in the door. But significant challenges remain. Will we be able to execute on the rapid deployment of zero carbon energy required to meet a 1.5C future? This presentation[...]
Speaker: Dr Neil Armstrong (Stipendiary Lecturer in Social and Cultural Anthropology at Magdalen College) This paper uses ethnographic material of NHS mental healthcare to raise some questions about autonomy, risk and personal and institutional responsibility.[...]
This seminar is part of our public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from School and its Consequences’, led by the Department of Education and convened by Harry Daniels (Professor of Education) and Ian Thompson (Associate Professor[...]
In modern high-tech health care, patients appear to be the stumbling block. Uninformed, anxious, noncompliant individuals with unhealthy lifestyles who demand treatments advertised by celebrities and insist on unnecessary but expensive diagnostics may eventually turn[...]
This lecture will describe research in chemistry and polymer materials carried out in the Williams research laboratories. This research focusses on how to activate and transform non-petrochemical raw materials into polymers (plastics). For example, waste[...]
Lecture by Jinny Blom who has created over 250 gardens and landscapes, Laurent-Perrier garden which gained a Gold at Chelsea. Artist in Residence for Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, she is author of The Thoughtful Gardener:[...]
This seminar is part of our public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from School and its Consequences’, led by the Department of Education and convened by Harry Daniels (Professor of Education) and Ian Thompson (Associate Professor[...]
With the UK population predicted to grow nearly 20% by 2050 (circa 77 million people), over 65s making up around 25% of the population and more and more demands being put on the healthcare system[...]
Lincoln Leads is a series of seminars tackling a different theme every week. All are warmly invited to attend this year’s Shakespeare Seminar on February 27th which will explore the question ‘Can Editing Influence a[...]
‘Job insecurity at the end of the 20th century has given way to income insecurity at the start of the 21st.’ – Andy Haldane, July 2019 Join us for a stimulating morning of talks exploring[...]
We all arrive at the experience of academic culture shock via different routes: the transition from a taught model of study to one driven only by ourselves; returning to study after a long break and[...]
In this lecture Sir Paul Nurse will consider some of the fundamental ideas of biology with the aim of identifying principles that define living organisms. There is a focus on the cell, the simplest unit[...]
This talk will focus on the disruptive ingredients and recipes at the heart of Ocado’s ongoing journey of self-disruption and reinvention. One of these recipes relates to growing, manufacturing and delivering our food in much[...]
Talk, followed by walking tour of the park. Jane Kilsby, local historian shares her recent research into this well-loved 19th century public park. Maximum 20
Do you ever have the feeling that you don’t really deserve to be doing the PhD or research project you’re working on? Feel like everyone else is coping and progressing in a way that you’re[...]
India is a land full of music and dance. It is woven into the very fabric of the subcontinent, with music and dance unique to each region and community, ranging from folk and classical arts[...]
Learn about the young Rembrandt’s rise to fame. A major breakthrough happened when the Prince of Orange, Frederick Henry, began to commission works from the artist, some of which are on display in the Young[...]
1/3: The case for a funded pension with a defined benefit (DB) I begin by drawing attention to the efficiencies in the pooling of longevity and investment risk that collective funded pension schemes provide over[...]
Lecture 2: The case for collective defined contribution (CDC) On any sensible approach to the valuation of a DB scheme, ineliminable risk will remain that returns on a portfolio weighted towards return-seeking equities and property[...]
“Data work: the hidden talent and secret logic fuelling artificial intelligence” with Prof Gina Neff
What happens when new artificial intelligence (AI) tools are integrated into organisations around the world? For example, digital medicine promises to combine emerging and novel sources of data and new analysis techniques like AI and[...]
Lecture 3: The case for an unfunded pay as you go (PAYG) pension The previous two lectures grappled with various challenges that funded collective pension schemes face. In the final lecture, I ask whether an[...]
Towards the end of the 15th century, Florence had become a centre of artistic achievement. Ghirlandaio, a master of both the fresco and innovative oil techniques, ran a prestigious workshop in which the young Michelangelo[...]
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