Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
The second lecture in our ‘Arts of Leading’ series is given by Professor Sarah Williams, Professor in the History of Christianity at Regent College, Vancouver, who will speak on the life and leadership of feminist[...]
Professor Clare Harris shares her latest research focussed on the visual anthropology of Tibet, showing stunning images from her recent book.
St Hilda’s Feminist Salon and the OUSU LGBT Chair welcome Jessica Lynn to St Hilda’s. Jessica Lynn is a Californian transgender activist, the co-founder and President of ‘Your True Gender’, a non-profit organization dedicated to[...]
St Hilda’s Feminist Salon and the OUSU LGBT Chair welcome Jessica Lynn to St Hilda’s. Jessica Lynn is a Californian transgender activist, the co-founder and President of ‘Your True Gender’, a non-profit organization dedicated to[...]
Photographer Roger Chapman discusses his exhibition and international photography project ‘Camel: A Journey through Fragile Landscapes’, currently being premiered at the Pitt Rivers Museum.
Discovering Sikhism is an annual conference held by the University of Oxford Sikh Society and this year we invite you to our conference with the theme ‘Sikhs and Gender’ as we seek to reflect on[...]
What does it mean to be a feminist? Who can be a feminist? And is there a right and wrong way of doing it? Join us on a unique journey through feminist history, adding your[...]
How a Bolivian became a Feminist: A Personal History Sonia Montaño is a Bolivian sociologist. She is currently active in Bolivia as a feminist researcher and activist and member of PIEB (Programa de Investigation Estrategica[...]
he travelling exhibition first launched at the Edinburgh Festival, and its next stop in Oxford has been designed to mark the 50th anniversary of the Abortion Act, which introduced a set of legal grounds for[...]
Ever felt like there was something you really wanted to say but you just weren’t sure how? We’re exploring the why and how of women’s speech and writing with the help of some amazing women[...]
The Oxford constituency of the Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (SRUK) is holding a discussion panel entitled “Women in science and the glass ceiling” where three invited speakers will give a short talk about[...]
Abstract: In this talk Tiffany Page will consider what vulnerability is and what it does, and its role within the research process. As part of this she will raise the idea of ‘vulnerable writing’, and[...]
Abstract: In this talk Tiffany Page will consider what vulnerability is and what it does, and its role within the research process. As part of this she will raise the idea of ‘vulnerable writing’, and[...]
Women in Africa are congregated in poorly paid and precarious work (ILO, 2016) and have very high rates of school dropout, mortality and childhood morbidity. This is crucially linked to their role in childbirth and[...]
CARU | Arts re Search Annual Conference 2017 “What does it mean to research art / to research through art?” CARU brings together artists and researchers for yet another day of cross-disciplinary exploration into arts[...]
To offer Oxford students the warmest welcome back to Hilary Term, we have invited Director Jenny Lu盧謹明, to show her feature film The Receptionist接線員 (2017) (bilingual subtitles). This bilingual film is the first UK-Taiwanese film[...]
Our Marriages: When Lesbians Marry Gay Men 奇缘一生 —Documentary Screening and Talk with Director He Xiaopei and Dr Bao Hongwei The Oxford Chinese Studies Society welcomes all to an exclusive screening and discussion of “Our[...]
2pm Wilde’s last years: Dr Sos Eltis, Brasenose College 2.45 The Ballad of Reading Gaol – read by five LMH students 3.15 Break 3.30 Jonathan Aitken in conversation with Alan Rusbridger – Why did the[...]
Listen to stories of Filipina women from different parts of the world, rising up to be leaders amidst the odds, defying gender and racial stereotypes. The Filipina Women’s Network (FWN) in cooperation with the Oxford[...]
As part of our College-wide Equalities Week, engineer and materials scientist Dr Clara Barker will be in conversation with LMH Principal, Alan Rusbridger. Dr Barker has won awards for her work with the LGBTQ community.
Old Images of Abingdon – various images and what they show. Speakers AAAHS members: Anne Smithson, Judy White, Jackie Smith, Jessica Brod, Manfred Brod and John Foreman. The meeting will consist of a number of[...]
Parul Bhandari is currently a Visiting Scholar at St. Edmund’s College and the Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS), University of Cambridge, UK. She is also a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Centre of Social Sciences[...]
In conjunction with Oxford International Women’s Festival , Oxford Community-led Housing* research project and Transition by Design is organising a session on “Taking Control of our Housing: Women Leading the Charge”, to celebrate the efforts[...]
Li Ang:50 Years of Writing Taiwan 作家李昂:台灣文學五十年 05 March 2018 Monday 5-6:30 p.m. Lecture Theatre, China Centre, St Hugh’s College, Oxford Supported by: Oxford Chinese Studies Society, Oxford China Forum, International Gender Studies Centre at[...]
Renowned journalist, author and commentator, Polly Toynbee (St Anne’s, 1966), will join St Peter’s alumna, Helen Lewis (2001), current Deputy Editor of The New Statesman, for an evening of discussion on the topic of “Brexit,[...]
Wikipedia is the 5th most visited website in the world… but is it biased? Join us on International Women’s Day in the new Makerspace at the Oxfordshire County Library. We’ll have a short talk on[...]
Professor Susan Brooks will take you on a personal journey beginning in breast cancer research and leading to a passionate commitment to supporting and developing the next generation of researchers. Susan discovered that a chemical[...]
Harriet Harman was elected MP for Peckham in 1982. Elected Deputy Leader of the Labour Party from 2007-2015, Shadow Deputy Prime Minister 2010-2015 and has twice served as Interim Labour Leader in 2010 and 2015.[...]
The 2017-18 Humanitas Weidenfeld Visiting Professorship in Comparative European Literature will be held by Elif Shafak, an award-winning novelist and the most widely read woman writer in Turkey. She is also a women’s rights activist[...]
As part of our Every Woman series, Blackwell’s presents an evening with Lyndall Gordon, who will be exploring her book ‘Outsiders’, an exciting and provocative look at the women who wrote the novels that changed[...]
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