All Aboard the H-Ox-Warts Express for Grown Ups

January 23, 2020 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Science Oxford Centre
Stansfeld Park
Quarry Road
Headington Oxford OX3 8SB
£15 + booking fee (see concessions)
Science Oxford
01865 810000

Unleash your inner witch or wizard as you venture into H-ox-warts – a magical place filled with fantastic beasts, ingenious puzzles and creative workshops. Create lumos wands with some simple circuitry and elec-trickery, magic up some musical code, and dissect owl pellets. Alohomora – or unlock – the Exploration Zone, where our house elves are on-hand to help as you complete the challenges – listen to music through your teeth, turn temperature into colour, and play Guess What with dragon poo. If you dare, venture into the forbidden woodlands in search of the Quidditch pitch and elusive golden snitch… and don’t forget to accio – or summon – a free colour-changing cocktail at the bar!

A great science-themed evening for grown-up muggles and mudbloods everywhere. Wizarding outfits are encouraged. Held in celebration of Harry Potter Book Night on (7th February).