Jeune Street
Oxford OX4 1BN
Join us for a screening of The Fly, the classic 1958 sci-fi horror movie produced and directed by Kurt Neumann and starring Vincent Price, Al Hedison and Patricia Owens. A scientist invents a teleportation device, but fate has other plans after an accident leads to a gruesome, life-changing injury. This brilliant 1950s sci-fi, famously remade by David Cronenberg in the 80s, treads a fine line between shlocky fun and an unnerving nature parable.
The screening will be preceded by an introductory with Dr Roderick Bailey, Medical Historian at the Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities. Rod specialises in the study of modern war and conflict, the history of medicine, and the spaces in which those worlds overlap.
David Cronenberg’s ‘body horror’ film ‘The Fly’ is more than science fiction. The movie was based on an original story, published in Playboy magazine in 1957, whose author had been a spy in World War II. Dr Roderick Bailey of Oxford’s Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities, works on the history of human enhancement. In the Q&A Roderick will discuss how secret procedures carried out in wartime London may have shaped this disturbing creation.
‘Funny, horrible and inventive — in its own deranged way this is a classic of 1950s horror.’ Film4
‘One strong factor of the picture is its unusual believability.’ Variety
Dir. Kurt Neumann. USA, 1958. 1h 34m. Vincent Price, Al Hedison (1927 – 2019) Patricia Owens, Herbert Marshall, Kathleen Freeman, Betty Lou Gerson.