How To Animate the Inanimate – Choreographing Dance

November 30, 2013 @ 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Pitt Rivers Museum

As Artist in Residence, choreographer Rosie Kay has been mining the Pitt Rivers for inspiration for several professional works and in April choreographed the first dance work ever performed at the Pitt Rivers Museum as part of the Twilight Takeover. Rosie will discuss her various approaches to working with the museum objects, and how she translates objects or spaces into dance works.

Renowned for her in-depth research processes, including an embedment with the British Military, Kay will discuss the importance of understanding your inspiration, as well allowing the reverse to occur. In not knowing the full history of an object, an intuitive conversation can occur. Focusing on ideas of transformation, Kay asks how the inanimate can be animated, and if performance in unusual spaces transforms the space, the performer, or the audience.

FREE, no pre-booking required. All welcome