Ageing Well: how can we add life to our years?

October 24, 2019 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Oxford Brookes University
Garden Room
Buckley Building
Headington Campus

We are all living longer, but we are ill prepared, both as individuals and as a society, and attitudes towards ageing remain stubbornly negative, in spite of evidence that older people are some of the most satisfied with life. This session will debunk some myths, challenge stereotypes and consider what we can do to age well.

This talk is delivered by Penny Thewlis, Chief Executive of Age UK Oxfordshire.

With a background in public services, Penny joined Age UK Oxfordshire in 2000 to undertake a study of the needs and aspirations of older people in rural communities and stayed to work alongside older people and communities to implement the recommendations. Penny is passionate about asset based approaches, about changing the narrative on ageing and about ensuring older people have a voice.