14 Osney Ln
Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 1NJ
Many questions arise when an artist considers their work in terms of criticality. This 5 days programme aims to provide reflection on art that is both spoken and written with the aim of deepening the level of interpretation. The benefit of combining artists and writers on the same course builds upon the relationship between art, literature and criticism evident in most modern art movements.
Taught by Peter Suchin, Rachel Withers and Stephen Lee, through morning group discussion/workshops and afternoon individual studio visits/tutorials. The course is geared to graduates, emerging or established artists and writers who are thinking about how their practice interacts with the public domain.
Peter Suchin is a freelance art critic and artist. Rachel Withers is a regular writer for Art Forum and the Guardian among many other publications. She is presently Senior Lecturer in the History and Theory of Art and Design at Bath School of Art and Design. Stephen Lee is an artist and contributor to Art Monthly and several other magazines.