Bad Science, Better Data w/@bengoldacre

March 6, 2018 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Sultan Nazrin Shah Building, Worcester College
1 Walton St
Oxford OX1 2HB

Worcester Medical Society is incredibly excited to bring you a talk by Dr Ben Goldacre, author of “Bad Science”, “Bad Pharma”, and plenty of fascinating articles on how science is used and misused. He has published extensively in all major newspapers and academic journals, and appears regularly on radio and TV from Newsnight to QI.

He has written government papers and reports on evidence-based policy, founded a successful global campaign for research transparency, and currently works as an academic at Oxford, where he runs the EBMdataLab building live data tools to make science and medicine better, like OpenPrescribing and OpenTrials. His blog is at and he is @bengoldacre on twitter.

Please join us at 8pm on Tuesday 6th March in the beautiful new Nazrin Shah building at Worcester to hear this fascinating talk!