Bad Science, Better Data w/@bengoldacre

March 5, 2018 @ 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Mawby Room, Kellogg College
62 Banbury Rd
Oxford OX2 6PN

As part of Bletchley Park Week 2018 Ben Goldacre will be giving this talk entitled ‘Bad Science, Better Data’.

Ben Goldacre is a doctor, researcher, best-selling author, and Director of the DataLab at the Dept of Primary Care in the University of Oxford. The DataLab is a multidisciplinary team of researchers, clinicians and software engineers, working together to build useful data-driven tools, in addition to academic papers. This talk will cover the full range of their work, putting data into action: from efforts to make NHS informatics less bad, through to services that spotlight unreported clinical trials.

All are welcome to join us for this talk, booking is required. To book your free place please book here. Refreshments will be served from 15:00, the talk will begin at 15:30