St Margaret's Rd
Oxford OX2
Alex Hibbert (Biological Sciences 2004) will talk about his pioneering experiences after his time at St Hugh’s. Alex Hibbert is the world record-holding polar traveller who has skied further on an unsupported Arctic journey than anyone in history.
“In July 2008, Alex completed his 1374-mile, 113-day ‘Long Haul’ return crossing of a new ice sheet route along with team-mate George Bullard. They received no resupplies or physical support and completed the final week on almost no food.” Highly active in the polar and cold regions, Alex has led independent projects every year since 2006. Journeys since the Long Haul have included a high-speed icecap crossing (330 miles in less than 12 days), an on-going Dark Ice Project (North Pole in winter) and nearly half a year living with the Polar Eskimos.
He is the author of three books; ‘The Long Haul’, ‘Maybe’ and ‘Kalaallit Nunaat’. His fourth is due out in 2017. His photographic collection has been widely published and he has been a BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year finalist three times.
This talk is part of the series A Festival of Anniversaries