Introduction to Economic and Financial Consulting and Valuation Case Study Discussion Event with FTI Consulting

October 29, 2018 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Jesus College Ship Street Centre
Turl St
Oxford OX1 3DW
The Oxford Guild

INVALUABLE introduction to Economic and Financial Consulting event and valuation case study discussion with FTI Consulting on Monday 29th October (4th wk) from 6pm in Jesus College’s Ship Street Centre WITH LOTS OF FREE DRINKS – DO NOT MISS OUT! This will provide you with a unique and very useful introduction to the type of work that you could do as an economic and financial consultant and give you the inside tips and advice you need to get your foot in the door and ace your case study interviews. THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST USEFUL EVENTS YOU CAN ATTEND IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN CONSULTING! FTI Consulting is a world leading consultancy with over 4,700 employees in 28 countries. In our Economic and Financial Consulting practice we advise our clients on issues of business valuation, corporate strategy and economic regulation. Clients include corporations, law firms and government agencies and we answer questions such as: “should a major gas supplier be allowed to raise prices?”, “how can you improve the way services are paid for in the NHS?”, and “how do you value the cost of intellectual property theft?” We work on varied and challenging assignments across a wide spectrum of industries, including with our sector specialists in financial services, energy and renewables, healthcare, and telecoms.

This event ( will give real, truthful insight into life in economic and financial consulting, provide an overview of the industry and how it works and advise you on how to ace consulting interviews to land the best internships and jobs! If you’re applying for a job in consulting, the case study interviews can be toughest part of the whole process. This INVALUABLE EVENT is for any students (of all years and courses) who would like to pick up advice, practical experience, and tips on how to break into the industry and tackle the case study interviews. This will be an interactive, unique and exciting session. FOR ANYONE APPLYING FOR A CONSULTING ROLE THIS YEAR, THIS WILL BE INCREDIBLY USEFUL TO ATTEND – you will almost certain to be asked to do a case study and practice and advice makes perfect. Come along on Monday 29th October (4th wk) from 6pm to get an excellent introduction to the industry and its future and learn the skills that will help you to stand out and get the job/internship offer that you’ve been hoping for! REGISTER YOUR INTEREST ASAP:

All FTI Consulting’s graduates benefit from extensive in-house training, sponsorship to pursue either the Chartered Financial Analyst or Chartered Accountant qualification and the opportunity to transfer between our international offices. This year we are looking for 15 graduates to join our practice, as well as 5 summer interns. Here’s your chance to get your foot in the door, network in a comfortable setting OVER LOTS OF FREE FOOT AND DRINKS and find out more at an invaluable event. We welcome numerate and highly analytical students from any degree discipline. Students from all years are welcome to attend!

This is an event that is a must for any budding Consultant as it offers an invaluable insight into the industry, what it takes to be successful and the work involved and attending will help give you an edge when it comes to applications, interviews and assessment centres!

WHEN: 6pm, Monday 29th October (4th wk)
WHERE: Jesus College’s Ship Street Centre
Facebook event: