Department of Politics and International Relations
University of Oxford, Manor Road, Oxford, Oxford OX1 3UQ
CIS Event: A panel debate on the occasion of the publication of the controversial ‘Leo Strauss: Man of Peace’ with the author Robert Howse, New York University
Discussants: Janalee Cherneski (DPIR, University of Oxford), Aggie Hirst (City University London) and Eno Trimcev (Leuphana University)
Chair: Kalypso Nicolaïdis (St Antony’s College, University of Oxford)
Leo Strauss: Man of Peace provides the first comprehensive analysis of Leo Strauss’s writings on political violence, considering also what he taught in the classroom on this subject. In stark contrast to popular perception, Strauss emerges as a man of peace, favourably disposed to international law and sceptical of imperialism – a critic of radical ideologies (right and left) who warns of the dangers to free thought and civil society when philosophers and intellectuals ally themselves with movements that advocate violence.
Details of the book are here:
Reviews of the book can be read here: