Sherard Rd
Oxford OX1
The evening will start with the film Mad to be Normal, This concerns RD Laing’s unconventional approach to psychotherapy and also his equally unconventional life. It stars David Tennant, Elisabeth Moss, Michael Gambon and Gabriel Byrne and raises many important questions: What is the nature of madness? What challenges confront psychoanalysts? Are psychoactive drugs ever effective? These topics will be discussed immediately after the film by a panel of experts which will include:
Roland Littlewood ( Professor of Anthropology and Psychiatry at UCL)
Richard Bentall (Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Liverpool)
Robert Mullan (Director of Mad to be Normal)
Farnaz Arshid (GP and prison doctor who has worked with refugees/victims of torture in Sierra Leone)
Athar Yawar (has been psychiatrist for Helen Bamber’s Medical Foundation for Victims of Torture and a Senior Editor at the Lancet)
Tickets (£5) will be sold at the door.