Making trials more efficient: Trial Forge and how you can help

April 11, 2016 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Rewley House
1 Wellington Square
Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 2HY
Rebecca Chatterley
01865 286941

Making trials more efficient: Trial Forge and how you can help

Trials are important; very often they are also inefficient. Trial Forge ( aims to improve trial efficiency by identifying and then filling gaps in trial methods research. Coordination and collaboration are key: letting a thousand flowers bloom is all very well but it does mean that evidence to support trial decisions is patchy and accumulates very slowly. In addition to introducing Trial Forge, the talk will suggest ways in which you can contribute to it.

Professor Shaun Treweek is a health services researcher and is active in the field of efficient trial design, particularly pragmatic trial design, improved recruitment interventions for trials, the design and pre-trial testing of complex interventions and the effective presentation of research evidence. He is leading a new initiative called Trial Forge ( that aims to be more systematic about how we generate and use research evidence in making trial design, conduct, analysis and reporting decisions.