54 Catherine St
Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 3AH
From concept to completed script – this course will guide you every step of the way.
A bespoke discussion-based follow-up to the Introduction to Screenwriting Course in which individual attention is given to developing each participant’s project from concept to finished script. The course itself will span 8 sessions, culminating in an individual tutorial in week 8. Students will be expected to have internet access, meet deadlines and set aside some time each week to read other student’s work.
Students can choose the projects they want to develop but should be aware of the limitations of the course, and the need to read other students’ drafts each week. It helps to focus on a project that is do-able; something you can complete in 8 weeks. This might be a short film, several scenes, or one act of a feature-length screenplay.
Course Details: Sunday evenings starts 21 February – 24 April 2016
Sundays 6:15 – 8:15pm for 8 weeks
Tutors: Polly Biswas Gladwin, David Spencer
Polly and David set up the weekly Oxford Screenwriters group in 2010; it became part of Film Oxford in 2013. The group runs workshops on all aspects of a screenplay: concept, structure, characters, plot, dialogue, etc. One early script is now with an agent in London; another two are in an advanced stage of development.
Visit our website to find out more.