9-13 George St
Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 2AU
Psychologist in the Pub events are completely free and open to everyone, so please join us on:
Thursday 7th July, 6:30 for 7pm start, with Dr Kinga Komarzynska & Dr Chelsea Slater
What can we learn from crime scene behaviour?
Crime linkage focuses on identifying crimes committed by the same offender using crime scene behaviour. Offender behaviour is used to distinguish between crimes committed by the same person and crimes committed by different people. The presentation will introduce this evidence-based approach to the detection of serial offenders and will be a brief introduction to the theory behind crime linkage as well as exploration of some of the empirical research that investigated behavioural consistency and change within a series of crimes perpetrated by serial offenders.
The talk will be held in the function room in Wig & Pen pub.
The venue is wheelchair accessible.