Oxford University Museum of Natural History
University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford
Oxfordshire OX1 3PW
Public Engagement Day – Vaccines and Infectious Disease
When: Friday March 6th 2015 (9.30-3.30pm)
Where: Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford OX1 3PW
Who: GCSE, A-level students, teachers, patient groups, general public
What: The Jenner Institute, University of Oxford are delighted to announce an upcoming Public Engagement Day 2015 which will be run in partnership with the British Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Oxfordshire Science Festival, the British Society for Immunology and NIHR BRC. This free, one day interactive event provides an opportunity to discuss and debate cutting edge research with scientists, patients, research students and clinicians/nurses, and to think about the impact that this research has on society and on you. We have a great line-up of speakers who will introduce the immune system and its response to infection as well as discussing novel vaccines for malaria, TB and Ebola and their progress in clinical trials. The lunchtime session will allow students the chance to participate in several hands-on activities as well as chatting to active scientists from a range of career backgrounds and levels. Teachers will have a chance to meet STEM ambassadors and representatives from the Nuffield Foundation to hear about their schools science placement schemes. We will also host a panel discussion featuring the speakers where students can ask questions.
Guest Speaker: Prof Peter Piot, Director of LSHTM and Professor of Public Health. Co-discoverer of the Ebola virus and author of No Time to Lose: A Life In Pursuit Of Deadly Viruses