Trinity Rd
Headington Quarry, Oxford OX3 8LH
If you look up at the starry sky at night, what do you see? Small pinpricks of light, ideas, perhaps even other worlds… perhaps ‘Planet Narnia’. At least, that’s what C. S. Lewis saw. Along with his science fiction trilogy for adults, C. S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia were heavily influenced by planetary science, astronomy, astrology, and the natural world. Join us at Holy Trinity Church where C. S. Lewis is buried, as Robert Bates explains how Narnia reflects the complexity of space that always fascinated its author.
Reverend Dr Robert Bates is currently the Methodist Chaplain for Oxford Brookes University, based at the Harcourt Hill Campus. Before training for ministry, Robert was a primary school teacher and headteacher, and then Head of English at Bishop Grosseteste College in Lincoln.
He has always had an interest in children’s literature and is a country boy at heart.
Science on Your Doorstep – showcasing experts who have Oxford-based careers in research, science or tech or who live or work around the Headington area.
The event is free to attend, but you are invited to make a donation towards a special fund we’re setting up to support disadvantaged schools across the region. The fund will help these schools with their travel costs, to enable them to come and enjoy the new Science Oxford Centre.
Suitable for over 14s