St Thomas More Lecture-Leaving Home: Europe and Utopia

November 11, 2016 @ 6:00 pm
Oxford University Catholic Chaplaincy
The Old Palace
85-87 St Aldate's, Oxford OX1 1RA
Oxford University Catholic Chaplaincy

6pm Mass of St Thomas More

7pm St Thomas More Lecture:

Leaving Home: Europe and Utopia
Prof Susan Bruce (Keele University)
Chaired: James Sinclair

8pm Free Meal and Refreshments (donations welcome)

In the lead-up to the Brexit referendum, politicians and pundits invoked the concept of utopia to disparage positions diametrically opposed. This talk will take seriously the notion that Europe is Utopian, and will examine Utopia to illustrate the ways in which it may anticipate a Europe not (yet) achieved, whose most ambitious objectives – peace, collaboration, commitment to human rights – found one of its first articulations much earlier than one might think, in a text first published in 1516.

To attend the meal, please RSVP to [email protected] by Friday 4 November (Fourth Week) as space is limited. Please include any dietary requirements.

There is no requirement to come to each stage of the event, please do join us at any point in the evening!