Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.

Erling Kagge – Philosophy for Polar Explorers @ Blackwell's Bookshop
Nov 11 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Blackwell’s is thrilled to be welcoming Erling Kagge to discuss his new book ‘Philosophy for Polar Explorers’.

Erling Kagge was the first man in history to reach all of the Earth’s poles by foot – the North, the South, and the summit of Everest. In ‘Philosophy for Polar Explorers’ he brings together the wisdom and expertise he has gained from the expeditions that have taken him to the limits of the earth, and of human endurance.

This is the essential guide to the art of exploration. In sixteen meditative but practical lessons – from cultivating an optimistic outlook, to getting up at the right time, to learning to find focus and comfort in solitude – Erling Kagge reveals what survival in the most extreme conditions can teach us about how to lead a meaningful life. Wherever we may be headed.

Erling Kagge is a Norwegian explorer who was the first in history to reach the ‘three poles’ – North, South and the summit of Everest. He now lives in Oslo where he runs a publishing house. He is the author of multiple books, including ‘Silence’, which is published in 38 languages, and ‘Walking’.

Tickets for this event are £5. Doors will open at 6.45pm when there will be a small bar available to purchase drinks. For more information, please contact our Customer Service Desk on 01865 333 623 or email

Adam Smith as Jurist @ Wolfson College
Nov 12 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Adam Smith as Jurist @ Wolfson College

Adam Smith is world-famous as a founding father of economics, and well-known to political theorists and philosophers for his Theory of Moral Sentiments (TMS). His work as a jurist is much less well known. As a notorious perfectionist, he worked for decades on a book that would have spanned the ground between the moral philosophy of TMS and the empirical sociology and economics of Wealth of Nations (WN). He never completed it, and on his deathbed he asked his executors to destroy his manuscripts. Which, sadly for us, they did.

But thanks to two near-miraculous survivals we know a great deal about what Adam Smith’s book on jurisprudence would have said. Two of his Glasgow students kept detailed notes of his lectures there between 1762 and 1764. One set was rediscovered in 1895, the other in 1958. They were taken in successive academic years, and they show that Smith shifted the order in which he presented his topics, but not the essentials of his course. The two independent sources validate each other.

Professor Iain McLean will lay out the principles of Smith’s jurisprudence; show how it forms the bridge between TMS and WN; and try to show Smith’s half-submerged influence on the new republic of the United States, in whose revolution he took a great deal of interest.

The lecture opens a one-day workshop on Tuesday 13 November on the jurisprudence behind the writings and philosophy of Adam Smith.

Iain McLean was born and brought up in Edinburgh. He is Senior Research Fellow in Politics at Nuffield College, Oxford. One of his research interests is the interaction of the Scottish, American, and French Enlightenments of the 18th century. His Adam Smith: Radical and Egalitarian (2006) was written at the instigation of Smith’s fellow Fifer Gordon Brown.

Dragonflies in Focus – Brian Walker @ St Margaret's Institute
Dec 3 @ 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm

The talk will provide an overview of dragonflies and their life cycles and habitats as well illustrating a number of species that occur in England including those that are currently colonising from the Continent and increasing in numbers.

Dr Karen Roemer on The Complexity of Balance @ Oxford Brookes University
Dec 6 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

The regulation of posture is relevant in a health and clinical context – including falls prevention, healthy ageing, and obesity. Balance and therefore postural control involves attentional processes and the application of internal or external attentional foci that have been linked with accuracy and quality of a movement while executing the skill. Measuring balance accurately and deriving meaningful information from it could aid health professionals to develop and design interventions accordingly. Hence, the topic of this talk is around applying new concepts to understand control mechanisms of balance.

On the Trail of the Leopard @ OU Museum of Natural History
Jan 13 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
On the Trail of the Leopard @ OU Museum of Natural History

Tara Pirie recalls her three years living in a tent, while tracking and gathering data on these elusive, but beautiful big cats. She is now one of the world’s leading experts on Leopard ecology and conservation.

‘Building the Future, Transforming our Past – Archaeology and Development in England’ by Roger Thomas @ The Northcourt Centre
Jan 16 @ 7:45 pm – 9:00 pm
'Building the Future, Transforming our Past - Archaeology and Development in England' by Roger Thomas @ The Northcourt Centre

Since a change in planning rules in 1990, there has been a huge amount of archaeological work on development sites all over England. This work is required by planning permissions and paid for by the developers. The results have been astonishing. Thousands of important discoveries have been made, and views of England’s past are bring transformed by these. This talk will explain how archaeology on development sites takes place, and highlight some of the most interesting or unusual finds, from the Ebbsfleet prehistoric elephant (400,000 BC) to a Roman chariot-racing arena in Colchester and a Victorian communal toilet in York.

Roger Thomas is a professional archaeologist who has lived in Abingdon for much of his life. He spent many years working for English Heritage (now Historic England), where he was closely involved in many important national archaeological projects. He is a past chairman of AAAHS, and is an Honorary Research Associate in the School of Archaeology, University of Oxford.

Visitors are very welcome to attend meetings at a cost of £3.
If you want to join the AAAHS, there’s a Membership Form on our website.

Benedictine Day Lectures and Exhibition of the Rule of St Benedict MS. Hatton 48 @ The Weston Library, University of Oxford
Feb 1 @ 2:30 pm – 6:00 pm

St Benet’s Hall marks a special exhibition of The Rule of St Benedict MS. Hatton 48, fols. 14v-15r at the Weston Library, with a series of lectures on aspects of the mediaeval Benedictine contribution to scholarship, libraries and spirituality.

The lecture programme takes place at the Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG

Living the Rule of Saint Benedict in England, from the Middle Ages to the Reformation
Professor James Clark, Professor of History, University of Exeter

Benedictine Libraries in Medieval England: a Changing Perspective
Professor Richard Sharpe FBA, Hon. MRIA, Professor of Diplomatic, Wadham College, University of Oxford

The Rule as a Living Document
The Very Rev. Oswald McBride, OSB, Prior, St Benet’s Hall, University of Oxford

A drinks reception follows the final lecture, from 17:30 to 18:10.

Booking is essential, for each lecture.

Those attending the lectures are welcome to join Vespers at St Benet’s Hall, 38 St Giles, OX1 3LN at 6.30pm.

Flexibility and rigour in the “unconscious tradition of compromise” – the first five years of the National Plant (and habitat) Monitoring Scheme – Dr Oli Pescott @ St Margaret's Institute
Feb 4 @ 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm
Flexibility and rigour in the "unconscious tradition of compromise" - the first five years of the National Plant (and habitat) Monitoring Scheme - Dr Oli Pescott @ St Margaret's Institute

Warburg Memorial Lecture – Joint with BBOWT
Volunteer-based botanical monitoring has been a mainstay of British and Irish botany for decades, but only recently has a recording scheme for plant communities been established. Dr Pescott outlines the history of this new National Plant Monitoring Scheme, with a particular focus on the challenges and rewards that have been associated with establishing this novel approach in the UK.

New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar: Why is mental healthcare so ethically confusing? Clinicians and institutions from an anthropological perspective @ Lecture Theatre, St Cross College
Feb 13 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Speaker: Dr Neil Armstrong (Stipendiary Lecturer in Social and Cultural Anthropology at Magdalen College)

This paper uses ethnographic material of NHS mental healthcare to raise some questions about autonomy, risk and personal and institutional responsibility.

My research investigates mental health. I am particularly interested in how the institutional setting shapes so much of mental healthcare. My research aims to find ways that we might improve healthcare institutions rather than just focussing on developing new healthcare interventions. I am also concerned with methodological questions: how anthropological work can be of clinical value, and how best to produce anthropological knowledge in an inclusive way.

‘Beacons of the Past – Investigating a Prehistoric Chilterns Landscape’, a talk by Dr Wendy Morrison @ Northcourt Centre,
Feb 20 @ 7:45 pm – 9:00 pm
'Beacons of the Past - Investigating a Prehistoric Chilterns Landscape', a talk by Dr Wendy Morrison @ Northcourt Centre,

Beacons of the Past is a three and a half year project part funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund, the Chiltern Society, and the National Trust , amongst others. Its purpose is to engage and inspire communities to discover, conserve, and enjoy the Chilterns’ Iron Age hillforts and their prehistoric chalk landscapes. Now at the project’s midpoint, Project Manager Wendy Morrison will present on the some of the results of the UK’s largest bespoke archaeological LiDAR survey, the project’s outreach programmes, and what comes next.

Dr Wendy Morrison currently works for the Chilterns Conservation Board as Project Manager of the HLF funded Beacons of the Past Hillforts project. She also is Senior Associate Tutor for Archaeology at the Oxford University Dept for Continuing Education. Wendy’s research areas are Prehistoric European Archaeology and Landscape Archaeology. She has over a decade’s excavation experience in Southern Britain, the Channel Islands, and India.

The AAAHS organises monthly lectures by acknowledged authorities on topics related to history and archaeology and to those of Abingdon in particular.
Visitors are very welcome to attend meetings at a cost of £3.

Michael Scott Talk on Herculaneum @ Cheney School
Feb 25 @ 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

A talk on underground in the Roman town of Herculaneum

Disaster By Choice with Ilan Kelman @ Science Oxford Centre theatre
Feb 27 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Disaster By Choice with Ilan Kelman @ Science Oxford Centre theatre

We speak of earthquakes, floods, and fires as wild and untameable disasters – natural phenomena that spring unexpectedly from a hostile landscape and challenge our trust in the safety of our homes. But Ilan Kelman states otherwise. Join him as he challenges the inevitability of these disasters, suggesting that human decisions to build on flood plains, deforest territories, and impose upon the environment for social, political or economic reasons create or exacerbate these disasters. And he has some suggestions on how we can and should act to stop people suffering when nature unleashes its powers.

Ilan Kelman is Professor of Disasters and Health at University College London and a Professor at the University of Agder, Kristiansand in Norway. His overall research interest is linking disasters and health, including the integration of climate change into disaster research and health research. Suitable for ages 14+

Twitter @IlanKelman

The origin and evolution of People’s Park, Banbury @ Friends Meeting House
Mar 14 @ 1:45 pm – 4:00 pm
The origin and evolution of People’s Park, Banbury @ Friends Meeting House

Talk, followed by walking tour of the park. Jane Kilsby, local historian shares her
recent research into this well-loved 19th century public park. Maximum 20

The Scythians: Nomad Warriors of the Steppe – with Professor Barry Cunliffe @ Ashmolean Museum
Mar 18 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

The Scythians were warlike nomadic horsemen who roamed the steppe of Asia in the first millennium BC. Using archaeological finds from burials and texts, Barry Cunliffe reconstructs the lives of the Scythians, exploring their beliefs, burial practices, love of fighting and their flexible attitude to gender.

The Scythians: Nomad Warriors of the Steppe
Wed 18 Mar, 1–2pm
A weekday talk with Barry Cunliffe, Emeritus Professor of European Archaeology, University of Oxford

Booking essential.
Tickets are: £8 (Full Price) / £7 (Concession) / £6 (Members)

The Land of the Phoenicians – with Linda Farrar, Archaeologist @ Ashmolean Museum
Mar 19 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The Phoenicians were famously great traders who, from their base in modern-day Lebanon, traded their wares around the Mediterranean and beyond. Learn about their culture, art, achievements, and cities at home in the Levant and abroad, including Byblos, Tyre, Eshmoun and Carthage.

The Phoenicians Phoenicia Part 1: the Land of the Phoenicians
An Afternoon Tea Talk (with tea and biscuits included)
With Linda Farrar, Archaeologist and Lecturer

Thu 19 Mar, 2–4pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Tickets are: £12 (Full Price) / £11 (Concession) / £10 (Members)

A Nation at a Crossroads: The United States in Thomas Moran’s ‘Autumn Afternoon, The Wissahickon’ @ Ashmolean Museum
Mar 21 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Moran’s ‘Autumn Afternoon, the Wissahickon’ pictures 19th-century America at its most bucolic and pastoral. It was painted, however, amidst a conflict that threatened to tear the young country apart. Examine Moran’s landscape as an allegory of contested national identity.

A Nation at a Crossroads: The United States in Thomas Moran’s ‘Autumn Afternoon, The Wissahickon’
A weekend talk with Madeleine Harrison, PhD Candidate, The Courtauld Institute of Art

Sat 21 Mar, 11–12pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Booking essential.
Tickets are: £8 (Full Price) / £7 (Concession) / £6 (Members)

The Phoenicians in the West – with Linda Farrar, Archaeologist @ Ashmolean Museum
Mar 26 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Learn about the vast trade network of the Phoenicians, the goods traded and their trading partners, who included the Greeks and Etruscans, as well as people in Sardinia and southern Spain.

The Phoenicians Phoenicia Part 2: The Phoenicians in the West
An Afternoon Tea Talk (tea and biscuits included)
With Linda Farrar, Archaeologist and Lecturer

Thu 26 Mar, 2–4pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Booking essential.
Tickets are: £12 (Full Price) / £11 (Concession) / £10 (Members)

Saving Oxford’s Wetland Wildlife – Eleanor Mayhew @ St Margaret's Institute
Apr 7 @ 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm
Saving Oxford's Wetland Wildlife - Eleanor Mayhew @ St Margaret's Institute

How the Freshwater Habitats Trust’s ‘Saving Oxford’s Wetland Wildlife’ project is helping to improve and monitor Oxford’s valuable freshwater areas, and protect the species they support.

Become a Medieval Tourist: Herefordshire Pilgrimages @ Ashmolean Museum
Apr 15 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The city of Hereford stands a couple of hours from Oxford along one of the most scenic train rides in England. Follow the Medieval Pilgrim trail, discovering a landscape alive with holy wells, sacred shrines, ancient mysteries and miraculous saints.

Become a Medieval Tourist: Herefordshire Pilgrimages
With Tim Porter, Historian

Wed 15 Apr, 2–4pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Tickets are: £12 (Full Price) / £11 (Concession) / £10 (Members)
Includes a break for tea and biscuits

Become a Medieval Tourist: Evesham Abbey @ Ashmolean Museum
Apr 30 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Just an hour by train, discover one of the great lost buildings of England, an ancient centre of pilgrimage and scholarship. Discover what unique artworks and architectural gems survive within the townscape and further afield.

Become a Medieval Tourist: Evesham Abbey
An Afternoon Tea Talk (including tea and biscuits)
With Tim Porter, Historian

Thu 30 Apr, 2–4pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Tickets are: £12 (Full Price) / £11 (Concession) / £10 (Members)

Games for Zeus: The Ancient Greek Olympics @ Ashmolean Museum
May 2 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Using images and eye-witness accounts, David Stuttard paints a vivid picture of the classical Greek Games – a thousand years of speed trials, brawn and horsemanship underpinned by religious ritual, lavish feasting, political chicanery and (of course) athletic nudity.

Games for Zeus: The Ancient Greek Olympics
Sat 2 May, 2–3pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre
With David Stuttard, Classical Historian and Author

Tickets are: £8 (Full Price) / £7 (Concession) / £6 (Members)

Long-term changes in invertebrate biodiversity: Are we approaching insectageddon? – Dr Nick Isaac @ St Margaret's Institute
May 5 @ 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm
Long-term changes in invertebrate biodiversity: Are we approaching insectageddon? - Dr Nick Isaac @ St Margaret's Institute

In recent years there have been some alarming media stories about declines in insect populations. This talk provides an overview of trends in British insect populations over the past four decades.

Green and Prosperous Land: A Blueprint for Rescuing the British Countryside – Professor Dieter Helm @ St Margaret's Institute
Jul 7 @ 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm
Green and Prosperous Land: A Blueprint for Rescuing the British Countryside - Professor Dieter Helm @ St Margaret's Institute

To enhance our natural environment, we need to put the environment
back into the heart of the economy. Using natural capital as the
guiding principle, we can leave a better environment for future
generations, implementing a bold 25 year environment plan, thereby
restoring rivers, greening agriculture, putting nature back into towns
and cities, and restoring the uplands and our marine ecosystems. We
can put the carbon back into the soils, encourage natural carbon
sequestration, rebuild our biodiversity and improve our mental and
physical health. This is the prize – a Green and Prosperous Land – and
it is much more economically efficient than the dismal proposed of
business-as-usual and allowing the declines of the last century to

Talk and guided tour, Lady Margaret Hall Gardens Oxford @ Lady Margaret Hall
Sep 12 @ 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Talk and guided tour, Lady Margaret Hall Gardens Oxford @ Lady Margaret Hall

Tea/coffee, biscuits on arrival in the Committee Room. Introductory talk from Sophie Huxley, Gardener, LMH, followed by tour of the garden. Parking for 5 cars only (priority to Blue Card holders). Maximum 20 persons

Debate: Conscience Rights or Conscience Wrongs?: Debating conscientious objection in healthcare @ Online
Oct 12 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Jointly organised by the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics and the Anscombe Bioethics Centre. This unusual online event will see Alberto Guibilini and David Jones adopting the other’s position on conscientious objection, arguing for the opposing view in an attempt to explore not only the subject, but the very nature of disagreement and discussion. Audience members will be encouraged to explore their views on conscientious objection in the same way.

Our Moral Fate: Evolution and the Escape From Tribalism @ Online
Oct 22 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Professor Buchanan introduces his latest book ‘Our Moral Fate: Evolution and the Escape From Tribalism’. Is tribalism-the political and cultural divisions between Us and Them-an inherent part of our basic moral psychology? Many scientists link tribalism and morality, arguing that the evolved “moral mind” is tribalistic. Any escape from tribalism, according to this thinking, would be partial and fragile, because it goes against the grain of our nature. In this book, Allen Buchanan offers a counterargument: the moral mind is highly flexible, capable of both tribalism and deeply inclusive moralities, depending on the social environment in which the moral mind operates.0We can’t be morally tribalistic by nature, Buchanan explains, because quite recently there has been a remarkable shift away from tribalism and toward inclusiveness, as growing numbers of people acknowledge that all human beings have equal moral status, and that at least some nonhumans also have moral standing. These are what Buchanan terms the Two Great Expansions of moral regard. And yet, he argues, moral progress is not inevitable but depends partly on whether we have the good fortune to develop as moral agents in a society that provides the right conditions for realizing our moral potential. But morality need not depend on luck. We can take charge of our moral fate by deliberately shaping our social environment-by engaging in scientifically informed “moral institutional design.” For the first time in human history, human beings can determine what sort of morality is predominant in their societies and what kinds of moral agents they are.

The Revd Thomas Birch Freeman: Victorian Botanist and Plantsman @ Kellogg College
Oct 23 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
The Revd Thomas Birch Freeman: Victorian Botanist and Plantsman @ Kellogg College

Friday 23 October

Lecture by Advolly Richmond. Thomas Birch was a trained botanist, and
head gardener at Orwell Park, Ipswich, before travelling to the Gold Coast.
He became part of the international network of correspondents and plant
collectors relied upon by the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. This talk aims to
reveal the true extent of Birch Freeman’s horticultural and botanical legacy.
Pay at the
door: £5 (members) £8 (guests

Athlete Z: Where will we draw the line on athlete welfare in sport? @ Online
Oct 29 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Athlete Z: Where will we draw the line on athlete welfare in sport? @ Online

We are please to announce this s really important symposium on athlete welfare and the Duty to Care in sport with @oxford_brookes @OBUSportCourses in partnership with

Speakers to include Tanni) Carys Davina Grey-Thompson, Baroness Grey-Thompson
Cath Bishop, rower and Olympic silver medallist and Andy Burns (commonwealth athlete and English Institute of Sport.

This is a free virtual event but booking is essential

Affect, Value and Problems Assessing Decision-Making Capacity @ Online
Nov 19 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Ichthyosaurs in Abingdon @ Online
Jul 24 @ 11:00 am – 2:30 pm
Ichthyosaurs in Abingdon @ Online

Join us on Facebook and find out when and where the magnificent specimen of the Ichthyosaur was discovered in Abingdon. Local Archaeologist Jeff Wallis talks about his find with Palaeobiologist Megan Jacobs.
The find originally classified as Ophthalmosaurus is questioned by Megan in her doctoral paper, join them to see the story develop…
There will be three sessions throughout Saturday 24th July, followed by a Q&A session:

11am Part one – Discovering the Ichthyosaur
12pm Part two – Illustration and colour?
1pm Part three – The classification
These sessions will be streamed on our Facebook page:

2pm – Live Q&A with Megan (Zoom)
Please visit to get the link to join the Zoom meeting.