Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.

Music and Musical Instruments in the Ashmolean’s Chinese Paintings Collection @ Ashmolean Museum
Mar 6 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Music has taken many forms during China’s long cultural history and many traditions have endured to this day. In this talk, Paul Bevan will look at a selection of the paintings in the Ashmolean collection that reflect China’s rich musical and theatrical heritage.

Music and Musical Instruments in the Ashmolean’s Chinese Paintings Collection
A Weekday Talk with Dr Paul Bevan, Ashmolean Museum

Fri 6 Mar, 1–3pm
Ashmolean Museum

FREE, booking recommended.
Book by contacting

Paula Rego – An International Women’s Day talk with Alice Foster, Art Historian @ Ashmolean Museum
Mar 10 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Explore the work of Dame Paula Rego, who is revered for her unflinching images of women, often living under oppressive political conditions. She draws upon the real and imagined, using her own experiences and references to folklore and literature.

An Afternoon Tea Talk for International Women’s Day 2020
Paula Rego
With Alice Foster, Art Historian

Includes a break with tea and biscuits

Tue 10 Mar, 2–4pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Tickets are: £12 (Full Price) / £11 (Concession) / £10 (Members)

“Recipes for transforming food production and beyond” with Paul Clarke @ Oxford Martin School
Mar 12 @ 5:00 pm – 6:15 pm

This talk will focus on the disruptive ingredients and recipes at the heart of Ocado’s ongoing journey of self-disruption and reinvention.

One of these recipes relates to growing, manufacturing and delivering our food in much more efficient, scalable and sustainable ways. This is going to require some much bigger thinking.

Part of the Oxford Martin School Lecture Series: ‘Shaping the future’

The origin and evolution of People’s Park, Banbury @ Friends Meeting House
Mar 14 @ 1:45 pm – 4:00 pm
The origin and evolution of People’s Park, Banbury @ Friends Meeting House

Talk, followed by walking tour of the park. Jane Kilsby, local historian shares her
recent research into this well-loved 19th century public park. Maximum 20

The Scythians: Nomad Warriors of the Steppe – with Professor Barry Cunliffe @ Ashmolean Museum
Mar 18 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

The Scythians were warlike nomadic horsemen who roamed the steppe of Asia in the first millennium BC. Using archaeological finds from burials and texts, Barry Cunliffe reconstructs the lives of the Scythians, exploring their beliefs, burial practices, love of fighting and their flexible attitude to gender.

The Scythians: Nomad Warriors of the Steppe
Wed 18 Mar, 1–2pm
A weekday talk with Barry Cunliffe, Emeritus Professor of European Archaeology, University of Oxford

Booking essential.
Tickets are: £8 (Full Price) / £7 (Concession) / £6 (Members)

The Land of the Phoenicians – with Linda Farrar, Archaeologist @ Ashmolean Museum
Mar 19 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The Phoenicians were famously great traders who, from their base in modern-day Lebanon, traded their wares around the Mediterranean and beyond. Learn about their culture, art, achievements, and cities at home in the Levant and abroad, including Byblos, Tyre, Eshmoun and Carthage.

The Phoenicians Phoenicia Part 1: the Land of the Phoenicians
An Afternoon Tea Talk (with tea and biscuits included)
With Linda Farrar, Archaeologist and Lecturer

Thu 19 Mar, 2–4pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Tickets are: £12 (Full Price) / £11 (Concession) / £10 (Members)

A Nation at a Crossroads: The United States in Thomas Moran’s ‘Autumn Afternoon, The Wissahickon’ @ Ashmolean Museum
Mar 21 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Moran’s ‘Autumn Afternoon, the Wissahickon’ pictures 19th-century America at its most bucolic and pastoral. It was painted, however, amidst a conflict that threatened to tear the young country apart. Examine Moran’s landscape as an allegory of contested national identity.

A Nation at a Crossroads: The United States in Thomas Moran’s ‘Autumn Afternoon, The Wissahickon’
A weekend talk with Madeleine Harrison, PhD Candidate, The Courtauld Institute of Art

Sat 21 Mar, 11–12pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Booking essential.
Tickets are: £8 (Full Price) / £7 (Concession) / £6 (Members)

Festival of the Future @ Cheney School
Mar 25 @ 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Over 60 different organisations running stalls and activities for all ages, with four different learning zones (environment, science, design and fiction). Speakers, exhibitions, outdoor performances and robot shows!

Gandhara Connections International Workshop, Oxford – 26th/27th March 2020 @ Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Mar 26 all-day

The Rediscovery & Reception of Gandharan Art
Gandhara Connections 4th International Workshop

Thursday 26th and Friday 27th March 2020
Ioannou Centre, 66 St Giles’, Oxford OX1 3LU

The workshop abstract and provisional programme are available on our website:
Updates are expected so please check the website for these.

All are welcome and attendance is free, but please book a place by emailing:
We plan also to live webcast this event – details will follow on the website shortly before the event.

The Phoenicians in the West – with Linda Farrar, Archaeologist @ Ashmolean Museum
Mar 26 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Learn about the vast trade network of the Phoenicians, the goods traded and their trading partners, who included the Greeks and Etruscans, as well as people in Sardinia and southern Spain.

The Phoenicians Phoenicia Part 2: The Phoenicians in the West
An Afternoon Tea Talk (tea and biscuits included)
With Linda Farrar, Archaeologist and Lecturer

Thu 26 Mar, 2–4pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Booking essential.
Tickets are: £12 (Full Price) / £11 (Concession) / £10 (Members)

Evelyn de Morgan and Edward Burne-Jones: Friends or Foes? @ Ashmolean Museum
Mar 27 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Both worked on the outskirts of Pre-Raphaelitism and aestheticism, tackling ambitious subjects of love, spirituality, and time, to create beautiful artworks. Join De Morgan Curator, Sarah Hardy, to discover the previously ignored professional and personal relationship between these artists.

Evelyn de Morgan and Edward Burne-Jones: Friends or Foes?
An afternoon talk with Sarah Hardy, De Morgan Curator

Fri 27 Mar, 1–2pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Booking essential.
Tickets are: £8 (Full Price) / £7 (Concession) / £6 (Members)

Become a Medieval Tourist: Herefordshire Pilgrimages @ Ashmolean Museum
Apr 15 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The city of Hereford stands a couple of hours from Oxford along one of the most scenic train rides in England. Follow the Medieval Pilgrim trail, discovering a landscape alive with holy wells, sacred shrines, ancient mysteries and miraculous saints.

Become a Medieval Tourist: Herefordshire Pilgrimages
With Tim Porter, Historian

Wed 15 Apr, 2–4pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Tickets are: £12 (Full Price) / £11 (Concession) / £10 (Members)
Includes a break for tea and biscuits

Raphael – Alice Foster re-evaluates the work of this celebrated artist @ Ashmolean Museum
Apr 22 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

One of the great triumvirate of High Renaissance masters, Raphael is famous for his calm serenity in even the most dramatic of his paintings. This year marks the 500th anniversary of his death, and Alice Foster re-evaluates the work of this celebrated artist.

An Afternoon Tea Talk with Alice Foster, Art Historian

Wed 22 Apr, 2–4pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Tickets are: £12 (Full Price) / £11 (Concession) / £10 (Members)
Includes a break for tea and biscuits

Rembrandt and Orange – with Christiaan Vogelaar @ Ashmolean Museum
Apr 24 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Learn about the young Rembrandt’s rise to fame. A major breakthrough happened when the Prince of Orange, Frederick Henry, began to commission works from the artist, some of which are on display in the Young Rembrandt exhibition and are considered Rembrandt’s first masterpieces. This talk is part of our Young Rembrandt After Hours event.

Rembrandt and Orange
An after hours talk with Christiaan Vogelaar, Curator of Old Master Paintings and Sculpture, Museum De Lakenhal in Leiden, Netherlands

Fri 24 Apr, 6–7pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Tickets are £8 (Full) / £7 (Concession) / £6 (Members)

“Data work: the hidden talent and secret logic fuelling artificial intelligence” with Prof Gina Neff @ Oxford Martin School
Apr 28 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

What happens when new artificial intelligence (AI) tools are integrated into organisations around the world?

For example, digital medicine promises to combine emerging and novel sources of data and new analysis techniques like AI and machine learning to improve diagnosis, care delivery and condition management. But healthcare workers find themselves at the frontlines of figuring out new ways to care for patients through, with – and sometimes despite – their data. Paradoxically, new data-intensive tasks required to make AI work are often seen as of secondary importance. Gina calls these tasks data work, and her team studied how data work is changing in Danish & US hospitals (Moller, Bossen, Pine, Nielsen and Neff, forthcoming ACM Interactions).

Based on critical data studies and organisational ethnography, this talk will argue that while advances in AI have sparked scholarly and public attention to the challenges of the ethical design of technologies, less attention has been focused on the requirements for their ethical use. Unfortunately, this means that the hidden talents and secret logics that fuel successful AI projects are undervalued and successful AI projects continue to be seen as technological, not social, accomplishments.

In this talk we will examine publicly known “failures” of AI systems to show how this gap between design and use creates dangerous oversights and to develop a framework to predict where and how these oversights emerge. The resulting framework can help scholars and practitioners to query AI tools to show who and whose goals are being achieved or promised through, what structured performance using what division of labour, under whose control and at whose expense. In this way, data work becomes an analytical lens on the power of social institutions for shaping technologies-in-practice.

Mediterranean Threads: 18th- and 19th- Century Greek Embroideries @ Ashmolean Museum
May 1 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

A window into the intimate world of their makers, users and collectors, 18th- and 19th-century Greek embroideries have many stories to tell. Explore some of them through a selection of highlights on display in Gallery 29.

Mediterranean Threads: 18th- and 19th- Century Greek Embroideries
A Weekday Talk With Dr Francesca Leoni, Curator of Islamic Art

Fri 1 May, 1–2pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre

Tickets are: £8 (Full Price) / £7 (Concession) / £6 (Members)

Ghirlandaio: A Florentine Master @ Ashmolean Museum
May 2 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Towards the end of the 15th century, Florence had become a centre of artistic achievement. Ghirlandaio, a master of both the fresco and innovative oil techniques, ran a prestigious workshop in which the young Michelangelo studied his unique style.

Ghirlandaio: A Florentine Master
Sat 2 May, 11–12pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre
With Juliet Heslewood, Art Historian and Author

Tickets are: £8 (Full Price) / £7 (Concession) / £6 (Members)

The Story of a Neglected Book: Hokusai’s Illustrated Tang Poetry of 1880 @ Ashmolean Museum
May 4 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

The Story of a Neglected Book: Hokusai’s Illustrated Tang Poetry of 1880
Mon 4 May, 5–6pm
Ashmolean Museum Lecture Theatre
With Dr Ellis Tinios, Visiting Researcher, Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University

Learn about a deluxe book, designed by Hokusai in the 1830s but not published until 1880, that demonstrates his extraordinary powers of composition, unerring sense of line, and ability to offer fresh and exciting visualisations of Chinese texts.

Booking essential.

Gardens and Gardeners of the Ancient World @ Kellogg College
May 15 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Gardens and Gardeners of the Ancient World @ Kellogg College

Lecture by Linda Farrar, a freelance researcher, lecturer and author of Ancient Roman Gardens. The art of gardening has a long history, with gardens being used in most ancient cultures to enhance living areas, and even public spaces. We will look at examples from a range of ancient societies. Pay at the door or book online

Talk and guided tour, Lady Margaret Hall Gardens Oxford @ Lady Margaret Hall
Sep 12 @ 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Talk and guided tour, Lady Margaret Hall Gardens Oxford @ Lady Margaret Hall

Tea/coffee, biscuits on arrival in the Committee Room. Introductory talk from Sophie Huxley, Gardener, LMH, followed by tour of the garden. Parking for 5 cars only (priority to Blue Card holders). Maximum 20 persons

Life-Writing Beyond Words @ Online
Oct 13 @ 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Life-Writing Beyond Words @ Online

Life-Writing Beyond Words is a research network and termly series of public events, hosted by Felix Appelbe, the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing, and Ocean Ambassadors, that explores how we move between words and the non-verbal.

Life-writing is the study of lives, through letters, diaries, performance, memoir, autobiography and biography. But it frequently has to negotiate the non-verbal, for instance when describing the creative minds of composers, choreographers or artists, capturing the sound and light of childhood, or eavesdropping on the world of animal experience. How can these worlds be captured in words?

We are addressing this challenge by convening a network that spans many disciplines, bringing together academics, practitioners and performers who would otherwise not meet. Free-thinking lectures and laboratories will forge new pathways between the verbal and the non-verbal, journeying towards innovative experimental and performative methodologies.

5 – 5:10 Introduction by Felix Appelbe

5:10 – 5:50pm Louise Cournarie, Rameau le Moderne. Throughout his unusually long life, Jean Philippe Rameau has left an unerasable mark in Music, Theory, Science, Philosophy, and History. The composer/theorist, often referred to as the ‘father of modern harmony’, and who hated being called a composer, left behind him a forever changed view on music and a large body of work. In a time hugely influenced by the philosophy of Descartes, or the conferences of LeBrun, restlessly attacked by Rousseau, supported by D’Alambert and Voltaire, Rameau the musician and theorist underwent a long evolution. Through his keyboard pieces, this Lecture recital will attempt in having a closer look to the effect of this rich history on both the practice of Jean Philippe Rameau and his theory ideas.

5:50 – 6:30pm Alyn Shipton, How can we explore life-writing that does not use words? One possible answer is to examine both visual art and music for the ways in which we might see or hear biographical ideas. An obvious historical example would be the cycle of self-portraits by Rembrandt, that chronicle every stage of his life, and tell us through peripheral detail not only about the physical changes to Rembrandt the man, but to the environment in which he paints himself, and the clothes he wears. In his new book The Art of Jazz, Alyn Shipton explores the connections between the visual arts and jazz in the first hundred years of the music. Drawing on this unique body of research, Alyn explores how the lives of those in the jazz world have been depicted in music and in painting, drawing, graphics and sculpture. We can see how the image of Miles Davis changed over time, including his own work as a painter; we see how different photographers presented the “Empress of the Blues” Bessie Smith and how she translated the African American experience into song, and using excerpts from his work as an oral historian, Alyn shows how Sonny Rollins used the personal experience of racism in the housing market to inspire his “Freedom Suite”.

6:30 – 7:30pm Roundtable discussion, chaired by Kate Kennedy, on the theme Never the same twice

The big failure of small government: COVID-19 and public sector capacity @ Online
Oct 13 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
The big failure of small government: COVID-19 and public sector capacity @ Online

It is no coincidence that countries with mission-driven governments have fared better in the COVID-19 crisis than those beholden to the cult of efficiency.

Join Mariana Mazzucato, UCL professor and author of The Entrepreneurial State and The Value of Everything, in conversation with Oxford Martin School Director, Sir Charles Godfray, to discuss why states must invest again in dynamic capabilities and capacity – not only to govern more effectively during the pandemic, but to ultimately build back better.

This talk is in partnership with The Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at the University of Oxford and the Oxford Review of Economic Policy.

To register and watch this talk live:

The talk will also be streamed via YouTube

Terra Incognita: 100 Maps to Survive the Next 100 Years @ Online
Oct 14 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Terra Incognita: 100 Maps to Survive the Next 100 Years @ Online

Expert in globalisation and development, Professor Ian Goldin uses state-of-the-art maps to show humanity’s impact on the planet and demonstrate how we can save it and thrive as a species.

Professor Ian Goldin, Professor of Globalisation and Development at Oxford University, has traced the paths of peoples, cities, wars, climates and technologies on a global scale in his new book Terra Incognita: 100 Maps to Survive the Next 100 Years, which he co-authored with Robert Muggah.

In this book talk he will demonstrate the impact of climate change and rises in sea level on cities around the world, the truth about immigration, the future of population growth, trends in health and education, and the realities of inequality and how to end it.

To register and watch live:

The talk will also be streamed via YouTube:

Narrative Futures podcast @ Online
Oct 15 all-day
Narrative Futures podcast @ Online

Narrative Futures is an interactive podcast featuring interviews with leading authors and editors in the speculative genre and writing prompts designed to support the imagination of better futures.

Narrative Futures is the capstone podcast project of the Futures Thinking network at TORCH. Devised, recorded and edited by Chelsea Haith, the Narrative Futures podcast features eight interviews with some of the mosts important authors and editors working in the the speculative genre today. At the end of each interview, novelist and creative writing tutor Louis Greenberg presents two writing prompts which are designed to support engaged thought and creative imagination about the interview and the listener’s own creative practice in narrative building.

Interviewed on the podcast are Lauren Beukes, Mohale Mashigo, Sami Shah, Mahvesh Murad, Jared Shurin, EJ Swift, Ken Liu, and Tade Thompson. Each interview explores writing strategies, hopes and fears for the future, opinions on genre fiction and tackles questions such as: How do you conceive of and write time? Why is alien invasion a good metaphor for colonialism? What would a benevolent AI look like? What kind of representation is needed in the speculative genre? Are the old stories of future worlds still relevant? How do we integrate the present pandemic into our future imaginaries?

The Revd Thomas Birch Freeman: Victorian Botanist and Plantsman @ Kellogg College
Oct 23 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
The Revd Thomas Birch Freeman: Victorian Botanist and Plantsman @ Kellogg College

Friday 23 October

Lecture by Advolly Richmond. Thomas Birch was a trained botanist, and
head gardener at Orwell Park, Ipswich, before travelling to the Gold Coast.
He became part of the international network of correspondents and plant
collectors relied upon by the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. This talk aims to
reveal the true extent of Birch Freeman’s horticultural and botanical legacy.
Pay at the
door: £5 (members) £8 (guests

Intersectionality and Inclusion Series: Pathways to visibility @ Saïd Business School - Online
Nov 19 @ 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Intersectionality and Inclusion Series: Pathways to visibility @ Saïd Business School - Online

How do you build inclusion from the ground up?

People with albinism face discrimination across the globe but are often left out of activist efforts around diversity and inclusion.

In this episode, we speak to representatives of Sesame Street Workshop, who have been championing diversity for years. With a breadth of expertise in the art of embracing diversity, this insightful look into the world of Sesame Street gives us new ways of approaching our goals. Supermodel and activist Diandra Forrest also joins the conversation. Fellow guest speaker Stephan Bognar, Executive Director of New York Dermatology Group Foundation, completes the line-up. They worked together previously on the Colorfull campaign, which was conceived by NYDG to highlight the prejudice that albinism attracts.

Wellness and Urban Design @ Kellogg College
Nov 20 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Wellness and Urban Design @ Kellogg College

Lecture by Hanna Zembrzycka-Kisiel, Principal Major Applications Officer at
South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse Councils. Hanna uses the research
insights of her recent MA Thesis to explore the reality of poor urban design
and the benefits of green spaces in our living environments, drawing on local
and international urban design projects for inspiration. Book online or pay at the door.

Where is the love? @ Pitt Rivers Museum (Online)
Dec 2 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Where is the love? @ Pitt Rivers Museum (Online)

The ethnographic museum is full. Clothes, objects and tools fill the walls and floors. But where is the love?
The three speakers take the exhibition ‘Losing Venus’ as their starting point to discuss how emotion, intimacy, care and love can be brought back into the ethnographic museum and radiate out from its collections.

This event will run on Zoom, and will be available to view after the event. A link to the event will be emailed to you via Eventbrite within 48 hours of the event starting.

Fevers, feuds and diamonds: Dr. Paul Farmer on the future of global health @ Online, hosted by Saïd Business School
Dec 10 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Fevers, feuds and diamonds: Dr. Paul Farmer on the future of global health @ Online, hosted by Saïd Business School

Join Peter Drobac as he interviews Paul Farmer, in an exploration of the lessons we can learn from Paul Farmer’s phenomenal new book, Fevers, feuds and diamonds: Ebola and the ravages of history.

We will reflect on how these lessons can help us tackle the current Covid-19 pandemic and discuss how inequality and exploitation fuelled the spread of a deadly virus and how we might finally learn from history, in order to build a healthier, more equitable world.

For more details, visit

Join us live or watch the recording on:

This event and open to all Registration not required.

The Erotic Garden, A Romp Through Garden History @ Kellogg College
Dec 11 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
The Erotic Garden, A Romp Through Garden History @ Kellogg College

Lecture by Jane Owen, preceded by OGT’s Christmas drinks party.
Jane Owen, Founder Member of OGT, avid gardener, garden historian and
previously Deputy Editor of the Financial Times, gives us her personal take on
garden history – not to be missed! Doors open 6.30pm for wine or juice (inc), for lecture at 7pm. Book online or pay at the door.