Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
Assistant curator Philip Grover discusses the background to the Pitt Rivers Museum’s current Long Gallery exhibition ‘Surviving Tsunami: Photographs in the Aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake’. His talk will examine the role of photography after the 2011 disaster, as well as look in detail at the work of the Rikuzentakata Disaster Document Digitalization Project, a volunteer-led initiative to salvage and conserve historic material from three institutions destroyed in the tsunami. A group of volunteers continues to work on the RD3 Project, drying, cleaning, digitising and documenting over 65,000 photographs, many of which record life in the Tohoku region over the last century.
As part of our ESRC funded seminar looking at connections between art and human rights, we will be hosting a talk by award winning photographer Edmund Clark entitled “if the light goes out” which will engage his work done in Guantanamo and inspired by his experiences of his time there, as well as his visits to some of the detainees’ homes and conversations with their families.

Shocking, haunting and unsettling, Peter’s book @earth makes a powerful statement about the current eco-crisis, the arms race and the injustices dominating today’s world. Peter will discuss the content of this, his most recent book, which brings together over 40 years of images, from the Vietnam war in 1968 to the present day. @earth is as revolutionary in form as it is in content, telling a story through the universal language of photomontage – the long-favoured medium of radical artists.
Throughout his career, Peter has consistently challenged power structures and injustices, from his anti-nuclear works of the 1980s to the powerful images he created in response to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This lecture is being hosted at Oxford Brookes as part of Photography Oxford Festival ’14 – the first major new festival of its type in the UK for many years.
For further details, please see:
About the speaker
Peter Kennard PhotoPeter Kennard was born in London in 1949. He is a senior tutor in photography at the Royal College of Art and his work is in many major collections, including Tate, the V&A and the Imperial War Museum.
His work has been published in numerous publications including The Guardian, The Sunday Times, The Telegraph, The Independent, New Statesman and Time Magazine.

Egyptomania: The Allure of Ancient Egypt
With Henrietta McCall, Department of the Middle East, British Museum
2pm Saturday, 11 October 2014 at Ashmolean Museum | Venue Information
Henrietta McCall talks about the enduring appeal of ancient Egypt in western culture. She assesses how it began with Napoleon in the early 19th century; how symbols and imagery from antiquity inspired architecture, gardens, furniture and fashion; and how in the 1920s that appeal reached its climax with the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun.

‘Tutankhamun and Co. Ltd’: Arthur Weigall and the Discovery of Tutankhamun’s Tomb
With Julie Hankey, author of ‘A Passion for Egypt: Arthur Weigall, Tutankhamun and the Curse of the Pharaohs’
Ashmolean Lecture Theatre
Tue 14 Oct, 2.30‒3.30pm
From 1905 to 1912, Arthur Weigall was Howard Carter’s successor as Chief Inspector of Antiquities for Upper Egypt. He used his position to conduct a campaign against government practice of allowing amateur collectors to excavate for private profit. With Tutankhamun’s discovery, Weigall came into open conflict with Carter’s patron, Lord Carnarvon, over his exclusive contract with The Times, and ‒ at a time of political unrest in Egypt ‒ over his assumption of rights to the contents of the tomb.

“Everywhere the Glint of Gold”: Colourising Tutankhamun’s Tomb
With Liam McNamara, Ashmolean Keeper for Ancient Egypt and Sudan and co-curator of ‘Discovering Tutankhamun’ exhibition
Ashmolean Lecture Theatre
Sat 18 Oct, 2‒3pm
Howard Carter’s evocative description of the ‘wonderful things’ he saw upon entering Tutankhamun’s tomb continues to capture the public’s imagination. The excavation of the tomb and its contents were documented in black and white photographs taken by Harry Burton. This talk explores the various methods by which the excavators – and their successors – sought to ‘colourise’ the contents of the king’s tomb, from 20th-century gouache paintings on ivory, to the latest in 21st-century digital imaging techniques.

Unwrapping Tutankhamun
With Dr Christina Riggs, Senior Lecturer, School of Art History and World Art Studies, University of East Anglia
Ashmolean Lecture Theatre
Tue 28 Oct, 2.30‒3.30pm
After three years of work in the tomb, Howard Carter and his team were ready to reveal the body of Tutankhamun. Using photographs and diaries from the excavation, this illustrated lecture follows Carter’s work in stages as they worked through the layers of wrappings around Tutankhamun’s body, and considers what else we can learn from the unwrapping of other materials in the tomb.

Fit for a Pharaoh: The Authorised Facsimile of Tutankhamun’s Tomb
With Adam Lowe, Director and Founder of Factum Arte
Gallery 21, Ashmolean Museum
Wed 29 Oct, from 6.30pm
The ticket price includes: a talk by Adam Lowe of Factum Arte; a tour of the Discovering Tutankhamun exhibition; and a drink at a special wine reception in the Ashmolean’s vaulted café.
Before Egypt’s recent political revolution, the tomb of Tutankhamun was viewed by up to 1,000 visitors per day. This had a dramatic effect on the tomb, which resulted in a deterioration of the structure of the walls. Using digital technology to record the tomb’s interior in unparalleled detail, Factum Arte produced a full-scale facsimile that can be visited at Luxor, thus relieving pressure on the actual tomb. Adam Lowe explains the process behind the production of the facsimile and explores current debates about the creation of replicas to preserve the world’s cultural heritage for future generations.

Dress up to party like it’s 1922 and discover the decade’s fascination with Ancient Egypt at an evening of Jazz Age performances, workshops and talks.
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7 – 10.30pm
Halloween night: Friday 31 October 2014
The Rooftop Bar and Vaulted Café will be serving drinks until 10.30pm.
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For programme news see:
The Anglo-Scottish Border: a Photographic Tour
With Tim Porter, lecturer
Medieval Scotland Afternoon Tea Lecture Series
Tuesday 25 November, 2–4pm
At the Ashmolean Museum (Lecture Theatre)
With the 2014 referendum for Scottish independence, the historic relationship between Scotland and England has recently been a prevalent topic of political discussion. This year also marks the 700th anniversary of the battle of Bannockburn, a significant Scottish victory in the First War of Scottish Independence. These lectures explore three key aspects of the Anglo-Scottish relationship during the Middle Ages.
Tickets are £9/£8 concessions (includes tea & cake), and booking is recommended as places are limited.

This is a monthly free meeting. This week we have two main talks, one on creating 360degree tours of buildings using Google business, (basically using street view you can walk in and tour round certain buildings) and another creating a title sequence with After Effects & Photoshop. Guest speakers: Guy Henstock and Sathya Vijayendran

OutBurst is the Oxford Brookes University festival at the Pegasus Theatre on Magdalen Road. Brookes will be bursting out of the university campus into the community, bringing great ideas, activities, and entertainment right to the doorstep of the Oxford public.
The festival, now in its fourth year, runs from 7-9 May and showcases cutting-edge research and expertise from across the university in a variety of stimulating and fun events for students, staff, and the local community, including installations, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, and discussions for all ages.

Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 7.30pm @ Film Oxford – FREE
Drones – Aerial Filming & Photography.
Everyone’s talking about Drones, come and find what the fuss is about! Speaker, Matthew Nicholson of HOLLYWOOD DRONES
Hollywood Drones is an aerial filming company based in Oxford. Fully licensed by the Civil Aviation Authority they film up to Ultra 4K using the same equipment as used by major broadcasters such as the BBC and ITV. Since setting up in 2014 they have established work for Sky Sports the National Trust and Oxford University as well as other Oxfordshire companies.
Matthew Nicholson is looking forward to visiting Film Oxford in May. His plan is to bring along all the kit with him so you can get close up and see what it is all about. Matt will explain what is involved in setting up and running the business from a legal perspective, how to operate drones legally and demonstrate some of their more recent short films. (Photos Hollywood Drones)
ALSO we will be having our ADOBE GROUPS raffle draw – one lucky person attending will win a year’s subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud!
We prefer if you can RSVP at our meetup page (but not compulsory)
Digital Film Editors (Oxford) MEET-UP PAGE
Film Oxford page (includes all previous meetings)
Joint meeting with Adobe Groups: Digital Film Editors (Oxford) and Oxford Digital Creative

Six members of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), including comedian and journalist Mark Thomas are taking legal action against the Metropolitan Police’s monitoring and keeping of their information on a database that deals with extremists. An illustrated talk by four of those in the case discuss how journalists documenting protest are coming under surveillance. The panel includes photojournalist and campaign photographer Jess Hurd, Video Journalist Jason N Parkinson and Photographer David Hoffman, chaired by curator of OVADA’s current Resistance is Fertile exhibition, Adrian Arbib.

The award-winning video journalist and campaign filmmaker, Zoe Broughton, has spent more than 20 years putting herself on the frontline – going undercover at an animal-testing lab, being chased by police while filming on a high-speed motor boat and dodging landmines in Burma! Zoe presents an illustrated talk about her work at OVADA as part of their current Resistance is Fertile exhibition.

Join Curator Katie Hill for an exhibition tour of WASTELANDS, a group show of contemporary Chinese art at OVADA this summer. Katie will provide background to the project and will introduce work by each of the eight exhibitors, which includes renowned artist, Ai Weiwei. Katie Hill is Director of the Office of Contemporary Chinese Art (OCCA) and course leader of Asian Art and its Markets at Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London.
This is a FREE event – just turn up!
Venue: OVADA warehouse – 14A Osney Lane – Oxford – OX1 1NJ
For further information visit:

Mass Circulation: Writing about Art in a Daily Newspaper
With Richard Dorment, art critic, and Dr Alexander Sturgis, Director, Ashmolean Museum
A special Ashmolean evening In Conversation event
Wednesday 18 November
Lecture Theatre
As The Daily Telegraph’s chief art critic from 1986‒2015, Richard Dorment CBE covered exhibition subjects ranging from the Ice Age to the Turner Prize. He talks to Ashmolean Director, Dr Alexander Sturgis, about art history, art criticism, and the popular press.
Tickets £12/£10 concessions. Booking is essential.

Adobe specialists Richard Curtis and Niels Stevens are coming to Film Oxford for a special presentation on the new features of Creative Cloud for photographers, designers and film makers.
Don’t miss this opportunity to see the latest features in the new release of Adobe Creative Cloud 2015, including Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere, After Effects, Speedgrade and more. Learn about what’s new in this 2015 release that will help you do everything you do more efficiently using the latest innovations and modern standards. Get answers to your questions and get inspired by film makers and photographers who are creating amazing work.

Prof. Daniel Wakelin and Anna Sander in conversation with Oxford MSt students about creating, using and sharing images of medieval manuscripts, during a lunchtime break in a hands-on MS handling and photography workshop day. What can’t digital images tell us? What metadata do we need? What can only be learned from the original manuscript? What information is only available from digital images? Do professional and amateur manuscript images have different uses? What practical considerations govern photography of ancient, irreplaceable books under reading room conditions? Lunchtime discussion is open to all.
Adobe’s Richard Curtis will join us in Oxford to provide a guided tour of Photoshop’s 3d tools. He will demonstrate how to work with virtual models to enhance photos, explain 3d printing functions, look at the character posing for stills and more. This “Deep DIve” session is an opportunity to explore in detail this powerful, under used aspect of this classic software package.
A discussion with photographer Alison Baskerville and curator Brigitte Lardinois that will consider women as photographers and photographic subjects, and the effects of social and technological change on portrait photography over the last 100 years.

Join Photograph Collections curatorial staff for a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of the Pitt Rivers Museum’s dedicated research area. A special opportunity to receive a guided tour of the climate-controlled storerooms and to view collections highlights, including albums by Wilfred Thesiger. An Oxford Open Doors event. Free but booking essential. Two tours: 11.00-12.00 & 14.00-15.00
The Tim Hetherington Society and the Oxford PPE Society present: 7 Days in Syria, an evening with Janine di Giovanni.
Join us for free in the Simpkins Lee Theatre at Lady Margaret Hall for a talk by Janine di Giovanni and a film screening of Robert Rippberger’s feature length documentary ‘7 Days in Syria’. After the screening, there will be a free drinks reception in the adjoining Monson Room.

Please join us at 7pm on Thursday of 7th Week (November 24th) for a presentation by Daniel Castro Garcia and Thomas Saxby on their recent publication ‘Foreigner: Migration into Europe 2015–2016’.
“The photographs are a protest against those who so
readily attack refugees and migrants entering Europe
without taking into consideration the dangers faced
during the journey.” (Foreigner: Migration into Europe 2015–16 by John Radcliffe Studio
For more information please read the press release below:
‘Foreigner: Migration into Europe 2015–2016’, is a photography book that documents the lives of people at various stages of their migration to Europe. The book is divided into three sections, focusing on migration to Italy from North Africa, migration to Greece and through the Balkans from the middle east, and the migrant camp in Calais known as ‘The Jungle’. Alongside the photography, written texts serve both as a context, and a means to share the stories of the people we met during the project.
The book was created in response to the imagery used in
the media to discuss the issue of migration, which we felt was
sensationalist, alarmist and was not giving people the time and
consideration they deserved. We wanted to approach the subject from a calmer perspective, using medium format portrait photography as a means of meeting the people at the centre of the crisis face to face – and of learning something about their lives.
John Radcliffe Studio is the creative partnership of Thomas Saxby and Daniel Castro Garcia. We specialise in photography, film and graphic design and have spent the last year documenting the refugee and migrant crisis in Europe.
The Moser Theatre is fully accessible, with access to gender netural toilets, and the event will be **FREE** to attend. Oxford for Dunkirk will be collecting donations before and after the event in aid of La Liniere Refugee Camp, Dunkirk, France: please see our page for more details! (

From Lesotho Rock art to Peruvian orchids, multi-award winning fine art photographer Quintin Lake will share his highlights from visiting over 70 countries.
Quintin will speak on his approach to expedition photography having photographed for expeditions to Greenland, Iran, Peru, Namibia and closer to home on various UK walks. This includes his ongoing project, The Perimeter, to walk the 10,000 km of coast around Britain, through which he has come to understand that exotic locations are not a prerequisite for adventure and discovery.