Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
Data-driven micro-targeted campaigns have become a main stable of political strategy. As personal and societal data becomes more accessible, we need to understand how it can be used and mis-used in political campaigns and whether it is relevant to regulate political candidates’ access to data.
This book talk will be followed by a drinks reception and book sale, all welcome

Join Oxford Hospitals Charity in celebrating ten years since the Oxford Heart Centre was first opened.
You will hear from our brilliant clinicians about the difference the new Oxford Heart Centre has made, as well as future developments that will benefit heart and lung patients across Oxfordshire, only possible thanks to your generous donations.
Author Mark Haddon also joins us to tell us about his experience as patient in the John Radcliffe.
The event is free to attend and all are welcome.

FLJS Films opens its 2019-20 programme with acclaimed director Mike Leigh’s latest film Peterloo, which, by bringing to light a little-known atrocity in Manchester 200 years ago, makes a timely comment on the repercussions and resonances of public protest.
The film depicts the nascent labour movement of the nineteenth century, as the hunger and poverty brought about by the Corn Laws (which barred imports of cheap grain from the continent) drove 60,000 peaceful protesters to Manchester’s St Peter’s Field to demand the reform of parliamentary representation.
When the demonstration was brutally put down by the cavalry, leaving 18 people dead and hundreds injured, the government moved to suppress reporting by a nascent free press, and the event has since been largely forgotten.
On the bicentenary year of the massacre, and with the current resurgence of popular demonstrations and civil disobedience over Brexit and the climate crisis, Peterloo offers an invaluable reminder of the power of political resistance.
Historian of protest Dr Katrina Navickas will give a short introductory talk on her involvement in the historical research for Peterloo and the film’s political and contemporary resonances.
Praise for Peterloo
“A full-bore assault on the amnesia of British establishment history”
Sight and Sound
“Shattering in its cumulative effect, and its relevance to these turbulent times”
Wall Street Journal
Michael Obersteiner will present new insights from co-producing a set of new sustainability scenarios.
Major sectoral transitions will be presented to achieve development targets in line with improved ecosystem and human health. He will conclude with an outlook on new ways to socialise findings from such global assessments.
This talk is part of the Oxford Martin School Lecture Series ‘Food futures: how can we safeguard the planet’s health, and our own?’
Geographers have long been interested in the spaces brought into being by the internet. In the early days of the Web, digital technologies were seen as tools that could bring a heterotopic cyberspace into being: a place beyond space de-tethered from the material world.
More recent framings instead see digital geographies as always-augmented, hybrid, and ontogenetic: integrally embedded into everyday life.
Against that backdrop, Professor Mark Graham will present findings from three large research projects about digital platforms. First, a large-scale digital mapping project that looks at how digital inequalities can become infused into our urban landscapes. Second, a study about the livelihoods of platform workers in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Finally, early results from a new action research project (the Fairwork Foundation) designed to improve the quality of platform jobs.
In each case, the talk explores why understanding the ways that platforms command digital geographies is a crucial prerequisite for envisioning more equitable digital futures.
Please register via the link provided. This talk will be followed by a drinks reception, all welcome.
Dr David Nabarro, former Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Food Security and Nutrition, will give a talk on what implications there will be for the planet and us in linking nature, food and the climate.
Please register via the link provided. Followed by a drinks reception, all welcome

The AfOx insaka is a gathering for sharing ideas and knowledge about Africa-focused research with speakers from diverse and varied academic disciplines. There are two events each term.
Speakers for the first AfOx insaka in the new academic year are Dr Robtel Neajai Pailey, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Oxford Department of International Development and Dr Jacob McKnight, Senior Researcher, Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health.
At this AfOx talk, Robtel Neajai Pailey uses her anti-corruption children’s books to argue that equipping children with verbal tools to question the confusing ethical codes of adults can revolutionise how we talk and theorise about corruption.
Jake McKnight is a Health Systems Researcher at the Oxford Health Systems Collaboration (OHSCAR). He was originally a logistician for MSF in Angola and Somalia, before conducting his PhD research in Ethiopia. He then read for the MSc. in African Studies at Oxford, before completing his PhD at Said Business School, where he concentrated on healthcare reform in Ethiopia. Jake will talk about the failures and successes of projects he’s studied or been involved in, reflecting on the idea that ‘Africa Works’, and as researchers and implementors, it’s up to us to fit local cultures rather to try to ‘fix’ them.

Is a parliamentary route to socialism viable? If so why hasn’t it happened already?
Join us for a conversation with Leo Panitch (Professor of Political Science, York University) and Stephen Marks (Policy Officer, Oxford & District Labour Party) about the Labour Party’s electoral successes and challenges in getting socialists elected. What lessons can we draw from recent history? What should the left be doing to get socialists and a socialist government elected?
Chaired by Rabyah Khan (Chair, Oxford & District Labour Party and Labour Council candidate, Carfax & Jericho ward)
FREE ENTRY – Confirm a space so we have an idea of numbers on the night
Suggested donation on the night £2/£5
Migration is present at the dawn of human history – the phenomena of hunting and gathering, seeking seasonal pasture and nomadism being as old as human social organisation itself.
The flight from natural disasters, adverse climatic changes, famine, and territorial aggression by other communities or other species were also common occurrences.
But if migration is as old as the hills, why is it now so politically sensitive? Why do migrants leave? Where do they go, in what numbers and for what reasons? Do migrants represent a threat to the social and political order? Are they none-the-less necessary to provide labour, develop their home countries, increase consumer demand and generate wealth? Can migration be stopped? One of Britain’s leading migration scholars, Robin Cohen, will probe these issues in this talk
Please register via the link provided.
This talk will be followed by a book sale, signing and drinks reception, all welcome. Copies available at half price — £10 — to cash buyers only.
A growing middle class in the developing world, as well as increasing concerns about the healthfulness, environmental footprint and inhumaneness of conventional livestock production have given rise to neo-Malthusian concerns about how to address what seems insatiable demand for protein.
While some have doubled down on calls for reducing meat consumption, so far the most visible response has been a huge wave of innovation in a variety of what are now being called “alternative proteins.” Designed to capture the “flexitarian” market, these include insect-based foods, protein-rich “superfoods,” simulated plant-based meat and dairy substitutes, and cellular/bioengineered meat.
Their rapid development begs two crucial questions, however. How did protein become the macronutrient of concern to begin? Will protein’s new substantiations be any more nutritious and ecological than that which it substitutes? In this talk, Guthman will elaborate on what is being done in the name of protein and provide provisional answers to these questions.
Please register via the link provided.
The Classical Art Research Centre (CARC) welcome Oxford University’s own Dr Llewelyn Morgan to give the 2019 Gandhara Connections Lecture on ‘Heracles’ Track to the Indus: Ancients and Moderns in the Swat Valley’. Dr Morgan is Associate Professor of Classical Languages and Literature and author of The Buddhas of Bamiyan (2012), which reflects his longstanding interest in Graeco-Roman connections with Central Asia and India.
All are welcome to attend and places are free, but please book by emailing us:
Poor diet is the leading risk factor for ill health in the UK, carrying more risk than smoking or hypertension.
But in an era where we seem to be constantly bombarded with often conflicting messages about our diets, is all this information actually making us any healthier? How can we cut through media hysteria and use the science to make wise choices about the food we eat and how can the Government make sensible policy decisions to help with the impact our consumption habits have on our health.
Please register via the link provided.
Plants and photosynthetic microbes have the extraordinary ability to convert light energy to chemical energy and as a consequence, they are the foundation of virtually all ecosystems and all agricultural systems on the planet.
The characteristics that make plants successful in natural ecosystems are often antithetical to agriculture and over 1000s of years we have domesticated plants to make better crops. The molecular genetics revolution of the 20th century has simultaneously provided a means to understand the relationship between plant genes and plant characteristics, and the ability to target and/or select specific genetic changes in plant genomes.
This combination of knowledge and technology opens the possibility for designer crops, and raises interesting questions about the governance of our food system.
Please register via the link provided. Followed by a drinks reception, all welcome.

In this talk, Professor Bruno Marchal, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp will illustrate the principles of realist evaluation using the case of the development of a new Tuberculosis control policy in Georgia.
‘Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem in Georgia. The initial analysis of the policymakers centred around the low levels of treatment adherence and low treatment success rates. In the highly privatised health system, the long treatments TB patients require are not necessarily a priority for private for-profit providers who care for TB patients. The Results4TB research project was launched to inform the process of developing the new policy and to assess it in terms of how it works, its cost, and adherence and treatment success rate. We adopted a theory-informed controlled trial design that includes a cost-effectiveness study and a realist evaluation.
We will focus specifically on the central role of the programme theory, how this theory was developed and how it informed not only the policy, but also the study design.’
This free talk is given in conjunction with the Realist Reviews and Realist Evaluation course, part of the Evidence-Based Healthcare programme.

Most Polish Jews who escaped Nazi extermination survived as refugees in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Blending memoir, history and travelogue, Mikhal Dekel’s Tehran Children follows their odyssey. This event is part of the David Patterson lecture series.
Dekel teaches English and Comparative Literature at the City College and the CUNY Graduate Center, and directs CCNY’s Rifkind Center for the Humanities and Arts. She is the author of The Universal Jew: Masculinity, Modernity and the Zionist Moment (2010, Northwestern UP) and the Hebrew monograph Oedipus be-Kishinev (Bialik Institute, 2014). Tehran Children: A Holocaust Refugee Odyssey was published this year by W. W. Norton.
We are entering the fourth revolution of healthcare.
The first revolution was Public Health with sanitation, cleaner air and better housing. The second is medical healthcare with the advancement of diagnostics and treatment with a focus on disease cure. The third is personalised health, through individual knowledge, technology, behaviour change and precision medicine.
However, these revolutions have left three major problems unresolved; unsustainable healthcare, rising health inequalities and climate change driven by unsustainable living.
So, we enter the fourth revolution in healthcare which builds on the previous three. This is based on communities rather than individuals, supporting a sustainable active lifestyle, eating local produce and using culture, art and contact with nature to create purpose and connections to each other, leading to greater resilience and wellbeing. It is a revolution when Smart Cities become central to the delivery of health and when advanced technology becomes almost invisible encouraging a lifestyle closer rather than further from nature.
In this talk Dr Bird will explain how we are already delivering this future and how biological changes such as chronic inflammation, epigenetics, mitochondrial dysfunction and telomere shortening can provide the scientific link between wellbeing and disease.
In this book talk, Professor Sonia Contera will talk about how Nanotechnology is transforming medicine and the future of biology.
Please register via the link provided. This book talk will be followed by a drinks reception, book sale and book signing, all welcome.
When the UK joined the EU in 1973 all previous trade barriers with the EU were abolished, which led to a strong intensification of trade with the European continent.
This situation will soon be a thing of the past, however, as new trade barriers will be erected with the withdrawal. Since the food self-sufficiency rate in the UK is particular low newly invoked trade barriers will significantly affect how food is produced and consumed in the UK.
Please register via the link provided.

Researchers constantly look for ways to improve patient’s health and quality-of-life. Before new treatments or polices are introduced, they need to be tested. Researchers need to make sure they conduct these testing studies carefully. A particular intervention might be effective and improve the quality-of-life for patients, but if the results of the study have not been measured properly, people who make decisions about care may make incorrect decisions.
One particular type of study design is called a stepped-wedge-cluster-randomised-trial (SW-CRT). This is a new study design which is particularly valuable for evaluating changes in the way care is delivered. The new policy is gradually rolled-out so that every group (e.g. hospital) receives the new way of care in the end.
More and more studies are now using the SW-CRT. However, more research needs to be done so we can better understand the study and how it can be used in the best ways to get the best results. In this talk I will explore how and if the SW-CRT can help determine what new healthcare policies bring about improvements in the quality of care and help the NHS identify where resources should be targeted.
Professor Karla Hemming is an internationally renowned expert in stepped-wedge trials and leads a research programme related to stepped wedge trials; this includes both theoretical and applied research.
New technologies have always provoked panic about workers being replaced by machines.
In the past, such fears have been misplaced, and many economists maintain that they remain so today. Yet in A World Without Work, Daniel Susskind shows why this time really is different. Advances in artificial intelligence mean that all kinds of jobs are increasingly at risk.
Susskind will argue that machines no longer need to reason like us in order to outperform us. Increasingly, tasks that used to be beyond the capability of computers – from diagnosing illnesses to drafting legal contracts – are now within their reach. The threat of technological unemployment is real.
So how can we all thrive in a world with less work? Susskind will remind us that technological progress could bring about unprecedented prosperity, solving one of mankind’s oldest problems: making sure that everyone has enough to live on. The challenge will be to distribute this prosperity fairly, constrain the burgeoning power of Big Tech, and provide meaning in a world where work is no longer the centre of our lives.
This talk will be followed by a drinks reception, book sale and signing, all welcome.
Do you want to improve your digital security? Do you keep putting it off? We’re a group of cybersecurity researchers and activists, and we want to help you access free tools and resources to protect your data. Join us for a *free*, practical, hands-on workshop exploring how digital security affects your life. This project is a form of “action research”—a type of research which combines research with activism to understand a problem and find solutions. In other words, we want cybersecurity to be more open, fair, and inclusive, and we’re “learning by doing.”
No prior experience or knowledge of cybersecurity required! As a feminist organisation, we want to *reconfigure* the assumption that digital security is for technical experts only. While the workshop is open to all, we particularly welcome women and other groups which are underrepresented in cybersecurity discussions.
Pizza and drinks will be provided!

This seminar is part of our public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from School and its Consequences’, led by the Department of Education and convened by Harry Daniels (Professor of Education) and Ian Thompson (Associate Professor of English Education & Director of PGCE).
Events in the series are free to attend and aimed at academics, researchers, teachers, head teachers, government members, policy-makers and students, although anyone with an interest in the topic is welcome to attend
Speaker: Martin Mills (Institute of Education, University College, London(
Seminar Abstract: This presentation will discuss the place of Alternative Provision (AP) in the process of exclusion in England, with a particular focus on issues related to social justice. Consideration will be given to some of the reasons why young people find themselves in AP. It will highlight the ways in which AP can serve to further marginalise young people who are already alienated by the education system. However, it will also draw on data from English AP sites to demonstrate how such sites can work to ensure that young people excluded from mainstream schools are retained in education. The choice is sometimes not between AP and the mainstream, but AP or no education. In some AP sites young people suggest that they are far happier than they were in the mainstream and, when it is provided can be engaged in meaningful learning. The presentation will consider why that it is and whether or not there are lessons to be learned from the AP sector which can help to make mainstream schools more inclusive. Throughout the presentation the voices of teachers and students in AP will be foregrounded. There will also be some discussion of international approaches to AP.
Open to all and free to attend – Registration required at:
Lord Sumption will discuss the impact on our constitution and political system of the referendum of 2016 and its aftermath.
Part of the Oxford Martin Lecture Series: ‘Shaping the future’
Systematic reviews are described as the gold standard in the evidence-based healthcare hierarchy. They are supposed to be transparent, reproducible, and follow a set structure. So how can systematic reviews – and within them meta-analyses – that look at the exact same question find radically different answers? The reality, of course, is that meta-analyses are not immune to biases.
This talk will use reviews of electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation as a case study, looking across meta-analyses in this area. Variation in outcomes and conclusions from these reviews will be interrogated, to improve understanding of how different methods shape outcomes, and how different biases shape conclusions.
This free talk is given in conjunction with the Meta-analysis course, part of the Evidence-Based Healthcare programme.
St Benet’s Hall marks a special exhibition of The Rule of St Benedict MS. Hatton 48, fols. 14v-15r at the Weston Library, with a series of lectures on aspects of the mediaeval Benedictine contribution to scholarship, libraries and spirituality.
The lecture programme takes place at the Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG
Living the Rule of Saint Benedict in England, from the Middle Ages to the Reformation
Professor James Clark, Professor of History, University of Exeter
Benedictine Libraries in Medieval England: a Changing Perspective
Professor Richard Sharpe FBA, Hon. MRIA, Professor of Diplomatic, Wadham College, University of Oxford
The Rule as a Living Document
The Very Rev. Oswald McBride, OSB, Prior, St Benet’s Hall, University of Oxford
A drinks reception follows the final lecture, from 17:30 to 18:10.
Booking is essential, for each lecture.
Those attending the lectures are welcome to join Vespers at St Benet’s Hall, 38 St Giles, OX1 3LN at 6.30pm.

This seminar is part of our public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from School and its Consequences’, led by the Department of Education and convened by Harry Daniels (Professor of Education) and Ian Thompson (Associate Professor of English Education & Director of PGCE).
Speaker: Matthew Purves, Ofsted
Seminar Abstract: The Education Inspection Framework is the most researched and piloted framework in the organisation’s history. Ofsted has taken over 25 years of it’s inspection experience and evaluated the existing literature on pupil behaviour and attitudes in schools. This, alongside two phases of research on behaviour significantly strengthens Ofsted’s inspection practice on behaviour. Challenges remain. Data indicators such as exclusion statistics rarely tell the whole story. Matthew will share how the inspectorate has used research to create a framework that captures the most important aspects of behaviour and attitudes and discuss the work that Ofsted are currently doing to further strengthen understanding of behaviour in schools.
Free to attend and open to all. Registration required at:
Discover how art can inflict both harm and harmony in this special live performance of Iris Murdoch’s Art and Eros.
A panel discussion will follow a 45 minute play acted by Oxford Brookes University drama students. With panel members including actress Annette Badland and Murdoch biographer Anne Rowe, we’ll consider what Iris Murdoch’s work says about the meaning of art.

What’s it like to be haunted? Writer Jay Bernard’s augmented reality installation explores this question – unpicking how we can be haunted by our histories and our everyday lives.
Listen to a reading while exploring alternative realities in an AR experience that looks at how the past and present are closely linked.
The installation is based on their debut collection, ‘Surge’, which considered the aftermath of the 1981 New Cross Fire. Jay Bernard is the winner of the Ted Hughes Award for New Work Poetry and has been shortlisted for the Forward Prize.
Part of The Think Human Festival
Everyone welcome