Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
Non-fat, low-fat, saturated fat, trans fats, healthy fats – in an era where we seem to be constantly bombarded with often conflicting messages about our diets, is all this information actually making us any healthier?[...]
The 35th Annual Barlow Lecture Yongle to Zhengtong: Fifty Years that Changed Chinese Art? With Professor Craig Clunas, University of Oxford Friday 7 November , 5-6 pm, Ashmolean Lecture Theatre Sir Alan Barlow (1881-1968) was[...]
A public meeting with a short introductory talk followed by questions and discussion. Animal rights: a human perspective Thursday 20 November, 7:30pm to 9:00pm The Mitre, corner of High St and Turl St (upstairs function[...]
This year’s Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food Lecture is by Michael Mack, CEO of Syngenta He will be talking about: “Technophobia vs. technophilia: The polarized debate about our food” This is the[...]
Almost a million people in Britain had to rely on food banks last year. Why, in the world’s fourth richest country, are there still people who cannot afford to eat?
What the World is Losing, a talk with Dr Paul Collins, Dr Robert Bewley & Dr Emma Cunliffe A special talk with Dr Paul Collins, Curator of the Ancient Near East Collections at the Ashmolean[...]
To avoid dangerous climate change will require not only very steep cuts in emissions, but also the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Most of the models that avoid dangerous climate change do so[...]
Prof. Harberd will discuss the writing of his book ‘Seed to Seed’, in particular, the fusion of the experimental scientific approach to nature with more traditional ‘natural history’ writing. ‘Seed to Seed’, which shows how[...]
‘How to feed 9 billion people?’ is a free public seminar as part of the NERC Environmental Research DTP Grand Challenges Seminar Series. FREE TICKETS: By the year 2050, it is estimated that the[...]
There is increasing recognition over the last decade that conservation, while conserving biodiversity of global value, can have local costs. Understanding these costs is essential as a first step to delivering conservation projects that do[...]
Telegraph writer Helen Yemm brings her column Thorny Problems to life by answering your gardening conundrums and dispensing invaluable advice in the picturesque setting of the Botanic Garden.
Please join us at 7pm on Thursday of 7th Week (November 24th) for a presentation by Daniel Castro Garcia and Thomas Saxby on their recent publication ‘Foreigner: Migration into Europe 2015–2016’. —————————————————– “The photographs are[...]
Jenny Josephs & Why eating insects might soon become the new normal By 2050 the global population will reach 9 billion and this will put ever increasing pressure on food and environmental resources. It will[...]
Lord Browne of Madingley is presently Chairman of L1 Energy, the Chairman of Trustees of both the Tate and the QEII Prize for Engineering, and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Blavatnik School of[...]
In celebration of the Oxford Festival of Nature, Blackwell’s Broad Street will be hosting a day of free Nature talks and activities. At 1pm we will be joined by Jeremy Mynott who will be discussing[...]
In celebration of the Oxford Festival of Nature, Blackwell’s Broad Street will be hosting a day of free Nature talks and activities. At 1pm we will be joined by Jeremy Mynott who will be discussing[...]
This is a joint lecture with The Rockefeller Foundation Economic Council on Planetary Health at the Oxford Martin School Ana María Loboguerrero, Head of Global Policy Research at CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture[...]
Michael Obersteiner will present new insights from co-producing a set of new sustainability scenarios. Major sectoral transitions will be presented to achieve development targets in line with improved ecosystem and human health. He will conclude[...]
Dr David Nabarro, former Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Food Security and Nutrition, will give a talk on what implications there will be for the planet and us in linking nature, food[...]
A growing middle class in the developing world, as well as increasing concerns about the healthfulness, environmental footprint and inhumaneness of conventional livestock production have given rise to neo-Malthusian concerns about how to address what[...]
Plants and photosynthetic microbes have the extraordinary ability to convert light energy to chemical energy and as a consequence, they are the foundation of virtually all ecosystems and all agricultural systems on the planet. The[...]
When the UK joined the EU in 1973 all previous trade barriers with the EU were abolished, which led to a strong intensification of trade with the European continent. This situation will soon be a[...]
In this book talk, Claas will review central findings of his research on the past 80 years of antibiotic use, resistance, and regulation in food production with introduction by Prof Mark Harrison, Director of Wellcome[...]
This talk will focus on the disruptive ingredients and recipes at the heart of Ocado’s ongoing journey of self-disruption and reinvention. One of these recipes relates to growing, manufacturing and delivering our food in much[...]
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