Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
Slime moulds thrive in damp woodlands and normally spread over rotting logs eating bacteria and fungi. They are also unusual in being single giant cells that show remarkably sophisticated behaviour considering their humble form. This[...]
Lady Margaret Hall and Blackwell’s Celebrating 140 Years Blackwell’s opened its doors on January 1st 1879 on Broad Street, Oxford and have been trading continuously from there ever since. Since then they have grown to[...]
This two-day conference will explore the evolving relationship between conflict and identity, with a specific interest in the role of history education in pre-conflict, at-conflict, and post-conflict societies. It will focus on how teachers and[...]
Data-driven micro-targeted campaigns have become a main stable of political strategy. As personal and societal data becomes more accessible, we need to understand how it can be used and mis-used in political campaigns and whether[...]
Bernard Tucker Memorial Lecture – Joint with Oxford Ornithological Society
David Miles, former Chief Archaeologist at English Heritage and former Director of the Oxford Archaeological Unit, will be with us here at Blackwell’s to discuss his latest book, The Land of the White Horse: Visions[...]
Blackwell’s are honoured to be joined by Chelsea Kwakye and Ore Ogunbiyi, to talk about their hugely important book, Taking Up Space: The Black Girl’s Manifesto for Change. Synopsis As a minority in a predominantly[...]
In this lecture, in honour of Edward Greene, Donald Meek will describe the fascinating process of Gaelic Bible translation in Scotland and Ireland. Beginning with the standard Gaelic Bible, translated between 1767 and 1804, Donald[...]
The talk will provide an overview of dragonflies and their life cycles and habitats as well illustrating a number of species that occur in England including those that are currently colonising from the Continent and[...]
This seminar is part of our public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from School and its Consequences’, led by the Department of Education and convened by Harry Daniels (Professor of Education) and Ian Thompson (Associate Professor[...]
This seminar is part of our public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from School and its Consequences’, led by the Department of Education and convened by Harry Daniels (Professor of Education) and Ian Thompson (Associate Professor[...]
Warburg Memorial Lecture – Joint with BBOWT Volunteer-based botanical monitoring has been a mainstay of British and Irish botany for decades, but only recently has a recording scheme for plant communities been established. Dr Pescott[...]
As part of the Oxford Brookes Think Human Festival 2020, Pegasus Theatre presents this discussion around creativity and empowering young people in the arts. Is to be creative to be human? Join a panel of[...]
A panel exploring how universities can best support new students as they transition to University
This seminar is part of our public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from School and its Consequences’, led by the Department of Education and convened by Harry Daniels (Professor of Education) and Ian Thompson (Associate Professor[...]
A talk from Homeless Oxfordshire about how they strive to be effective and appropriately challenge perceptions, how they are responsive to need and compassion to fellow human beings, and brave enough not to give up[...]
This seminar is part of our public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from School and its Consequences’, led by the Department of Education and convened by Harry Daniels (Professor of Education) and Ian Thompson (Associate Professor[...]
Lecture by Jinny Blom who has created over 250 gardens and landscapes, Laurent-Perrier garden which gained a Gold at Chelsea. Artist in Residence for Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, she is author of The Thoughtful Gardener:[...]
This seminar is part of our public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from School and its Consequences’, led by the Department of Education and convened by Harry Daniels (Professor of Education) and Ian Thompson (Associate Professor[...]
Talk, followed by walking tour of the park. Jane Kilsby, local historian shares her recent research into this well-loved 19th century public park. Maximum 20
Are you a secondary school teacher in your first few years of teaching? Come along to a day full of fresh ideas and update your knowledge of the latest educational research and its applicability in[...]
Lecture by Linda Farrar, a freelance researcher, lecturer and author of Ancient Roman Gardens. The art of gardening has a long history, with gardens being used in most ancient cultures to enhance living areas, and[...]
Identification, ecology and conservation of amphibians found in Oxfordshire.
To enhance our natural environment, we need to put the environment back into the heart of the economy. Using natural capital as the guiding principle, we can leave a better environment for future generations, implementing[...]
Tea/coffee, biscuits on arrival in the Committee Room. Introductory talk from Sophie Huxley, Gardener, LMH, followed by tour of the garden. Parking for 5 cars only (priority to Blue Card holders). Maximum 20 persons
Friday 23 October Lecture by Advolly Richmond. Thomas Birch was a trained botanist, and head gardener at Orwell Park, Ipswich, before travelling to the Gold Coast. He became part of the international network of correspondents[...]
How do you build inclusion from the ground up? People with albinism face discrimination across the globe but are often left out of activist efforts around diversity and inclusion. In this episode, we speak to[...]
Lecture by Hanna Zembrzycka-Kisiel, Principal Major Applications Officer at South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse Councils. Hanna uses the research insights of her recent MA Thesis to explore the reality of poor urban design[...]
Join the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences for their annual research lecture, delivered by Dame Professor Louise Robinson. The biggest risk factor for developing dementia is age, with dementia now the most common cause[...]
Lecture by Jane Owen, preceded by OGT’s Christmas drinks party. Jane Owen, Founder Member of OGT, avid gardener, garden historian and previously Deputy Editor of the Financial Times, gives us her personal take on garden[...]
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