Some face-to-face events are returning. Check carefully for any requirements.
It is now well-accepted that digital media platforms are not merely information intermediaries, but also central control points of the Internet. They have become the so-called ‘deciders’ and ‘custodians’ of online speech, leading to the[...]
Join us at Blackwell’s on Broad Street to hear John Dyson in conversation with Ruth Deech on his life and career in a discussion of his new memoir, A Judge’s Journey. John Dyson is one[...]
St Peter’s College welcomes you to a talk about Lord Nuffield, a leading figure in St Peter’s early history. William Morris, Lord Nuffield, probably did more than any other individual to transform Oxford in the[...]
Blackwell’s are delighted to present our monthly series of talks, Philosophy in the Bookshop. In a very special event, our programme moves across the street to the Sheldonian Theatre for one night only. Do we[...]
Kajal Odedra has always been passionate about helping other people affect change. She is Executive Director of Change.Org and author of ‘Do Something: Activism for Everyone’. is the world’s largest petition platform with 15[...]
How do our minds and bodies alter as we age? Can attitudes change from one generation to the next? How have the built and natural environments around us changed in the last 200 years? What[...]
Alongside our conference on 19th October, Greene’s Institute will be hosting our first public event: a special interactive keynote with Professor Henrike Lähnemann (University of Oxford). This event promises to be a fantastic exploration of[...]
Joris Luyendijk was born in Amsterdam and studied in Kansas, Amsterdam, and Cairo. He is a writer, journalist and anthropologist. He has written about the Middle East, the banking crisis and Brexit.
An elusive breed of criminal entrepreneurs from China known as the Big Circle Boys (BCB) remain an intrigue to organised crime specialists. Apart from anecdotal reporting about their alleged dominance in the Canadian underworld and[...]
Adam Smith is world-famous as a founding father of economics, and well-known to political theorists and philosophers for his Theory of Moral Sentiments (TMS). His work as a jurist is much less well known. As[...]
This workshop explores the themes raised in Professor Iain McLean’s lecture of 12 November: Adam Smith as Jurist. Workshop Programme 09:25 Welcome and introduction Denis GALLIGAN, Professor of Socio-Legal Studies Emeritus, University of Oxford and[...]
he Technical & Moral Singularity- a Conversation about Artificial Intelligence and Ethics This event is a conversation between Prof Nigel Crook (Head of Computing and Communication Technologies (CCT) and Interim Head of Mechanical Engineering and[...]
In this lecture, in honour of Edward Greene, Donald Meek will describe the fascinating process of Gaelic Bible translation in Scotland and Ireland. Beginning with the standard Gaelic Bible, translated between 1767 and 1804, Donald[...]
Are we witnessing a new, more toxic kind of politics around the world? If so, what is the alternative? Should we lament a supposedly lost civility, or is the emergence of more forthright and angry[...]
Bomberg and Kitaj – Two Types of Jewish Agony in Paint With Sir Simon Schama, Art Historian, Author and BBC Presenter Sat 14 Dec, 12–1pm Mathematical Institute, Woodstock Road (Venue changed) Tickets are FREE. Booking[...]
Lord Sumption will discuss the impact on our constitution and political system of the referendum of 2016 and its aftermath. Part of the Oxford Martin Lecture Series: ‘Shaping the future’
St Benet’s Hall marks a special exhibition of The Rule of St Benedict MS. Hatton 48, fols. 14v-15r at the Weston Library, with a series of lectures on aspects of the mediaeval Benedictine contribution to[...]
Organised by Oxford Civic Society @oxcivicsoc. The Society’s Louise Thomas and Ian Green discuss the history of the city centre, emerging trends and their implications and present a vision which seizes opportunities and mitigates threats..[...]
In this book colloquium, a panel discussion will assess British judge and historian Lord Sumption’s provocative bestseller Trials of the State: Law and the Decline of Politics, which expands on arguments first laid out in[...]
A panel exploring how universities can best support new students as they transition to University
This seminar is part of our public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from School and its Consequences’, led by the Department of Education and convened by Harry Daniels (Professor of Education) and Ian Thompson (Associate Professor[...]
6 speakers from 6 countries debate the proposition – chaired by Sir Trevor McDonald. All welcome.
Compassion is a state of mind, a wish for beings to be free from suffering. When compassion is present in the heart there is no place for anger or hatred. In that moment a wish[...]
This book colloquium will discuss Shoshana Zuboff’s The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, her influential account of the challenges to humanity posed by the digital future, specifically, how the commodification of personal information threatens our core[...]
Professors Ayman Agbaria and Daniel Statman from the Shalom Hartman Institute and Haifa University, will be speaking about : “‘From the Wells’– A Jewish-Arab Educational Initiative Toward A Shared Society. This programme aims to transform[...]
Traditionally, healthcare and spirituality have been considered separate areas of human life. This talk will challenge the separation of healthcare and spirituality and ask if what we know about human spirituality can be used to[...]
Parliamentary sovereignty is a fundamental principle shared by democracies around the world, based on the belief that political power should be subject to scrutiny by elected representatives accountable to the people they serve. Yet in[...]
What does our calling to be disciples of Christ mean for our life as students, academics, and thoughtful professionals? What are some of the promises and pitfalls of the academic life? How can postgraduate students[...]
We are pleased to reschedule this talk by Dr Estelle Zinsstag (Edinburgh Napier University/University of Oxford) which was originally planned for March 2020 and postponed due to COVID-19. Dr Zinsstag will present her research on[...]
Oxford Interfaith Discussion on the topic of The Creation Story. The contributors of the discussion include: Lord Alderdice, Patron of Oxford Interfaith Forum and Chair of Advisory Board, Freedom of Religion or Belief Leadership Network.[...]
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