We all know networking is important – crucial, even – to successful academic development. And yet, for many researchers, networking doesn’t come easily or naturally. Don’t panic! Networking is a skill we can develop – it may never be your favourite activity, but it can certainly become a far less daunting and exhausting prospect.
Join us at this meet-up to pinpoint exactly what it is that you dread about networking, and develop a personal map tailored to your research project, stage and circumstances, for the next steps in growing your network.
Series background
As researchers, we all have ups and downs. If and when the downs get very bad, it might become clear to us that we need support. But there’s a world of space between being happy and fulfilled in our work, and that point at which we might, finally, admit there’s a problem and seek help.
Many – perhaps even most – researchers are working in that space. Most of us live with conditions and experiences that can have profound impacts on our capacities as researchers.
Experiences like imposter syndrome and academic anxieties are incredibly common. Common enough that we should be talking about them. A lot. So why the silence?
The Thriving Researcher is a new initiative that creates space and time for researchers to come together and break the silence. We’ll be discussing our shared experiences, and learning how to work – and how to thrive – in the face of challenges that can feel overwhelming and isolating.
These are informal, supportive events, with a focus on validating your experiences, reflecting on your responses to common challenges, and arming you with practical tips and tools to help you feel better equipped to do what you do best.