Ahmed Safar on Post-Arab Spring Libya and the Role of the UN

November 28, 2013 @ 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm
Roy Griffiths Room, Keble College
Keble College
University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PG

OUUNA is pleased to host Ahmed Safar at our third and last speaker event this Michaelmas.

Mr Safar was Deputy Minister for Labour and Capacity Building in the first post-Arab Spring interim government in Libya. His responsibilities covered policy and strategy development and implementation. Before he was part of the Libyan cabinet, he was the British Embassy’s Projects Officer in Tripoli and managed a bilateral reform project aimed at introducing a human rights approach to prison management in Libya. His experiences place him in a unique position to reflect on Post-Arab Spring Libya and the Role of the United Nations.

Mr Safar will speak on Thursday, 28 November (Week 7) at 8PM. This will be followed by an informal Q&A session. Non-members are welcome.

OUUNA members interested in attending formal hall with Mr Safar at Keble College prior to the talk are requested to email [email protected]. Dinner is sponsored by the society.