21CC: Challenges of Our Century

21CC is a multidisciplinary conference, which unites leading minds to explore the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. Led by Oxford students it is partnered with the Oxford Martin School, which pioneers research, policy and debate on global issues.

What: Our 2015 conference will cover some of the most pressing global challenges and opportunities of the 21st century including cybersecurity, geoengineering, inequality and arms trafficking.

Who: Speakers include the Director of Privacy International, the UK Parliamentary Cyber Adviser, previous Director of the Special Forces, the ex-VP of the World Bank, Head of Arms Control at Amnesty International, Directors from the Institute for New Economic Thinking, leading climate change scientists, UN and NATO experts and many more!

When: 7th Feb, Saturday of 3rd Week, at the Mathematics Institute.

Visit: www.21cc-oxford.com for tickets and more info!