2017 Katritzky Lecture: ‘New Materials for the 21st Century’

June 1, 2017 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
Oxford OX1 3QR
St Catherine's College, Oxford

St Catherine’s College and the University of Oxford Chemistry Department are delighted to be welcoming Professor Tony Cheetham FRS to give this year’s Katritzky Lecture.

Professor Cheetham, Treasurer and Vice-President of the Royal Society and Professor at the Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy in the University of Cambridge, will be speaking on ‘New Materials for the 21st Century’:

“We shall briefly examine some of the major challenges that confront society at the beginning of the 21st century. These include increasing population and the concomitant energy demands, global warming, sustainable food and water supplies, security, and affordable healthcare. Addressing many, if not all, of these challenges will require the development of new materials. We shall then discuss a number of key areas where materials science is expected to play a central role, such as solar energy, rechargeable batteries, and LED lighting. We shall also explore the use of new materials in some iconic applications, such as the iPhone, Tesla cars and the Boeing Dreamliner. Finally the role of new materials in medicine will be discussed.”

Tea will be served in the Lecture Theatre Foyer from 5pm