Book Launch: Bread, Freedom and Social Justice Workers and the Egyptian Revolution

November 5, 2014 @ 6:30 pm
Wadham College, Old Refectory
Wadham College
University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 3PN
Egypt Solidarity Initiative

Book Launch: Bread, Freedom and Social Justice Workers and the Egyptian Revolution
speakers: Anne Alexander and Mostafa Bassiouny
with contributions from Miriyam Aouragh, Mohamed-Saleh Omri, Peter Dwyer

Accounts of the Arab Spring often focus on the role of youth coalitions, the use of social media, and the tactics of the Tahrir Square occupation. This authoritative and original book argues that collective action by organised workers played a fundamental role in the Egyptian revolution, which erupted after years of strikes and social protests.

Drawing on the authors’ decade-long experience of reporting on and researching the Egyptian labour movement, the book provides the first in-depth account of the emergence of independent trade unions and workers’ militancy during Mubarak’s last years in power, and and their destabilising impact on the post-revolutionary regimes.

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