Book launch: Ethics, Conflict and Medical Treatment for Children

October 4, 2018 @ 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm
Oxford Martin School, Lecture Theatre
Old Indian Institute Building
34 Broad St, Oxford OX1 3BD
Rachel Gaminiratne

Professor Julian Savulescu, Professor Dominic Wilkinson

What should happen when doctors and parents disagree about what would be best for a child? When should courts become involved? Should life support be stopped against parents’ wishes? The case of Charlie Gard reached global attention in 2017. It led to widespread debate about the ethics of disagreements between doctors and parents, about the place of the law in such disputes, and about the variation in approach between different parts of the world.

Profs Dominic Wilkinson and Julian Savulescu will present the key themes of their new book which critically examines the core ethical questions at the heart of disputes about medical treatment for children. They will review prominent cases of disagreement from the UK and internationally and analyse some of the distinctive and challenging features around treatment disputes in the 21st century, and outline a radical new framework for future cases of disagreement around the care of gravely ill people.

There will be an opportunity for group discussion of the general themes.