Comfort Women Issue in East Asia and Beyond: Controversy over the publication of“Comfort Women of the Empire” by Park Yu-ha

June 19, 2018 @ 5:00 pm – 6:45 pm
Dahrendorf Room
62 Woodstock Rd
Oxford OX2 6JF

In this event, we invite Professor Park Yu-ha, who is at the center of controversy over the publication of ‘Comfort Women of the Empire’, to talk about her work on Korean comfort women. The talk will be followed by a panel discussion, which may help us revisit our understanding of not only Japan’s war guilt and the comfort women issue, but also wider gender and ethical issues in the world, which Professor Park Yu-ha claims in the book to be the fundamental causes of the comfort women issue. This event is open to the public, and we welcome anyone who would like to learn more about a broad range of socio-political and historical issues, including not only comfort women in Asia but also gender equality, ethics, imperialism, and historical in/justice.