Defence Entrepreneurs’ Forum Oxford: Hardware Innovation Workshop

May 18, 2017 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Ewert House
Ewert Pl, Oxford OX2 7SG

We’re delighted to announce our next Defense Entrepreneurs Forum (DEF) Oxford Agora. In keeping with the spirit of DEF, we’re trying something new: a hardware innovation workshop.

Innovation is at the heart of what we do at DEF. Our aim is to drive bottom-up change in the culture across the MoD and Government more broadly. We don’t believe ‘innovation’ is best conjured up just by a unit or team given the name, nor from a fund dedicated to private companies bidding for a share, or from bold statements with little structural change. Our aim is to foster horizontal collaborations between military and government personnel, industry, business, academia, the media, the arts and others – the more diverse our groups the better. We aim to foster collaboration within our networks to come up with new ideas, innovations, inventions and approaches.

We’re privileged then to be hosted on 18 May 2017 by award-winning and innovative digital health technology company Incuna in Oxford (Ewert House, Summertown, OX27DD: directions. Leading proceedings will be Cyan Collier, one of the founders of Incuna, who will talk about creating innovation cultures, and more specifically, about hardware innovation – how surprisingly simple and cheap it can be for any of us to recombine hardware to create new technologies.

Cyan will talk about his own remarkable invention, which seems set to revolutionise our ability to accurately test for tuberculosis. In the short workshop that follows, we will work in teams to create our own digital hardware devices.

The aims of the session then are twofold – to gain a unique perspective on innovation from Cyan, and for us all to learn the basics of how to build new inventions in the digital age, a skill that has applications in a range of domains.

…and then, as ever, it’s off to the pub for a quick social pint for those that can make it.

We’re limited to 25 places – so book early – we had >40 people at last event, a fabulous turn-out and sign of how DEF is now beginning to grow as rapidly in the UK, just as it did in the US. Join us!

Summary: DEF Oxford Hardware Innovation Agora – 18 May 2017, 1930hrs, hosted by Incuna, Ewert House, Summertown, Oxford, OX27DD (directions).

Please RSVP – access will be granted only to those who have confirmed in advance.

Read more on Cyan’s work here: