Discover who you truly are

July 15, 2014 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Cowley Road
Oxford OX4 1UH
£5 (£7 on the door)
Oxford YES Group

How do you find your own inner peace whilst living your own busy life?

How do you become the person who you truly are and honour your responsibilities?

How do you integrate and refine your soul’s purpose into your life?

An evening with Leon arts; Modern Day Alchemist, Dad, Visionary, Author, Social Innovator, Top Chef, Philanthopreneur, Traveller and Explorer of Consciousness.

To find the way to your own true self it helps to have a guide, it can be challenging to do it on your own. As the transformation of a cocoon into the butterfly is challenging and can feel like a struggle, it is easier in to do in the presence of another person with experience of the struggle.

When you change your inside world, the outside reality will follow suit: “As Within, So Without”.